Friday, January 1, 2021

SLJ - Taste of summer

L.I: To create my own summer taste by showing images of what I eat in summer.

For this activity I have put images of what I eat in summer time. The first food I like eating in summer time is ice-cream because its nice and cold, the second food I like eating is burgers because it's just enough to fill my stomach before heading out to the beach and the third food I like eating is watermelon because it has a refreshing taste to it. The first drink I like drinking in summer are fizzy drinks because there cold and then the last one is a milkshake because its yum. I have many other favourite summer foods but these ones are my most favourite. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to show what I like and eat in the summer time.


  1. Kia ora Heavenly,

    Benjamin here again from the SLJ commenting team.

    My my, your food has made me hungry!

    Great work, I think I love each of your foods, although I would probably make the meat burger a vegetarian one because I don’t eat meat!

    Your describing words really painted a picture as to what these foods would taste and feel like eating. Very rich and high in flavour.

    My favourite ice-cream are the real fruit ice creams we get in Aotearoa. They are so fresh and filling!

    I might go make a fruit salad now that I’ve seen your images :)

    Thank you for the great effort, excited to see more of your work in the next activities!

    Mā te wā,


    1. Hi Benjamin,

      Thanks for your feedback. I can see that you've enjoyed my blog post. Also my favourite ice cream is all the the different flavours.


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