Tuesday, January 12, 2021

SLJ - Summer Symmetry

 L.I: To create a symmetry Photo College.

Today I made this Symmetry Photo College. For this challenge I had to take 4 photo's of symmetry objects which are basically objects that are 2D, 3D or objects that can be cut in halves. As you can see, I've made a DLO and it's filled with the 4 symmetry objects I took photo's of, 1st one was a "Calendar", 2nd was a G.O.M which is "Glass Of Milk" (I had to shorten it), 3rd was my room "Door" and then the last one was my NIKE shoe box. I also had to put lines through them and if it was a straight line and cut in half then it was a symmetry object. This challenge was really fun and I enjoyed taking the pictures and it was kinda confusing because I had to double check what are symmetry objects I could use for my photo's but so I just read the task again and then it made a bit more sense.


  1. Kia ora Heavenly,

    It’s Shannon here from the Summer Learning Journey.

    How awesome that you were able to find so many wonderful symmetrical objects. I really liked how you made the lines in the picture to show where they were symmetrical. I imagine it would have been quite difficult moving your chromebook around to get the pictures, so ka pai. Are any symmetrical on other planes?

    How did you find your symmetrical images? Can you think of any symmetrical objects in nature?

    Have you tried using the mirror tool to make things absolutely and perfectly symmetrical?

    Keep up the great blogging!

    Ka kite anō,
    Shannon (SLJ)

  2. Good afternoon Heavenly

    Great that you are continuing the SLJ. I viewed your water and gravity experiment as well as this one on symmetry.

    Maths and science are all around us. Next time you are in the outdoors have a look around and you might be surprised just where you find examples in nature.

