Wednesday, January 6, 2021

SLJ - Witchy airwaves podcast

 L.I: To make a podcast of my favourite story.

Today I have made a slide show of one of my childhood stories. I wasn't sure if I had to choose one that I knew or pick one that was given off the SLJ challenge so I chose one I knew. This story is about sleeping beauty. I picked this story because its one of my little sisters favourite story. I've written the story part from part and I think I did a pretty good job with it. Unfortunately I did not make the recording of me reading the story because there was an issue with the video saving but I did manage to get the slide show on. Hope everyone enjoys this story. I really enjoyed it because I had the chance to write the story of sleeping beauty.


  1. Kia Ora Heavenly,

    It’s Charlotte here, a commenter for the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey. You have done some amazing work on the ‘Witchy Airwaves’ task

    I think it is awesome how you have included slides that have the script from your podcast written on them into your blog post. This was a great solution to the problem you had with recording the podcast!

    I would still enjoy listening to a recording of the podcast, so let me know if you can get your video recording working again, and then you can include it into the post!

    Ngā mihi nui
    Summer Learning Journey

    1. Hi Charlotte,

      I was i bit confused on this one but I still managed to get it done.
      I'm really sorry about the video issue as well.

      Thank you for enjoying my blog post.

