Friday, January 15, 2021

SLJ - Poi Rakau

 L.I: To create my own rules / instructions of Poi Rakau.

Today I created this slide show. This slide show had the instructions / rules of my own way playing Poi Rakau. This game is a really fun but it was more fun for me because I get to share my own created Poi Rakau game. As you read the instructions you should try play my game as well. My game is an elimination game. I had many different plans for the rules of Poi Rakau but I think these rules were my best ones. What rules would you add to mine? I really enjoyed this activity because I got to create my own rules and instructions for the game of Poi Rakau and I had loads of fun because I get to share it with you. Hope you enjoy my game.


  1. Kia ora Heavenly,

    Fiona here from the Summer Learning Journey. Great work creating your very own rules for the game Poi Rākau. Your game sounds really fun and I think the players would have a really good laugh! I wonder what sorts of tricks people would come up with when using their rākau and if it would be difficult to copy them and stay in the game!

    Have you played Poi Rākau before? I’ve played a few times with adults and students; every game has been so much fun and an excellent challenge. When the circle gets really big it becomes really hard to grab the rākau!

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    Keep up the fantastic mahi!

    Mā te wā,
    Fiona (SLJ).

    1. Hi Fiona,

      Yes I have played Poi Rakau before and it's one of my favourite games to play especially with a lot of people because it makes the game longer.

      Thank you for noticing my overlapping image.

      Thank you for commenting on my blog post and I hope you enjoy more of them.

