Friday, January 1, 2021

SLJ - Fishy false teeth

 L.I: Creating my own sentences.

For this activity I have kinda made my own comic. I had to use this image but I needed to make and write my own sentences that go with the pictures. I really enjoyed this activity because it was really funny and it was even cooler because I was the one that got to come up with these sentences. I hope you enjoy this activity.


  1. Tēnā koe Heavenly, this is Elle from the Summer Learning Journey.

    I really enjoyed reading your False Fishy Teeth comic! I thought it was really funny and I like that you’ve put a spin on the banter between the two men. It definitely reminds me of how my two younger brothers tease each other!

    I’m so pleased to hear that you enjoyed this activity. I find that story-telling for comics is so much fun because the images help to direct the plot, especially with the facial expressions. If you had to write a comic about anything, what would you write about? And what kind of art style do you think you would use?

    Ka pai - keep up the great work Heavenly, and Happy New Year!

    Ngā mihi,
    Elle (SLJ)

    1. Hi Elle,

      I can tell that you've enjoyed my blog post very much. I really thought it was funny as well. If I got to write a comic I would definitely write about the funny fights me, my older sister and my younger brother have when we get annoyed at each other.

      Once a again thank you for commenting on my blog post and happy new years as well.

