Thursday, January 14, 2021

SLJ - It's a balance act

 L.I: Build a tower out of stones, rocks and pebbles. *If you don't have any of those then try find a different object.

Today I made a Tower. I was given an activity to make a tower out of rocks, pebbles or stones but I none of these objects had the shape to balance so I had a better idea and that was to make my tower out of pegs. As I was making this tower I had to rebuild it twice because it kept blowing down until I finally had it in the right spot. For this tower it holds up 20 pegs and that was how much I could get too. I really had fun on this activity although it was challenging but I still gave it a shot.


  1. Hey Heavenly,

    Great work on this task and great problem-solving, you didn’t have access to the resources in the task but you improvised and were still able to give the task a good go. I’m glad you keeped giving it a go each time it fell down and 20 pegs is very impressive, I imagine they were quite light and finicky.

    Do you think it would be easier or harder to stack 20 stones or 20 pegs? And what would change your answer if the shapes or weights changed?

    Great post Heavenly,
    See you later in the comments,


    1. Hi Daniel,

      I think that it would be easier if I stacked 20 pegs but also yes I would change my answer if the space and weights changed.

      Thank you for your feedback and thank you for commenting on my blog post.

      I hope you enjoy more of my posts.

