Thursday, January 14, 2021

SLJ - Camping Hacks

 L.I: To create a list of things you would take camping.

Today I created this DLO. This DLO is filled with different things you would take as you go camping. As you can see I have images of some of the things I would take camping, the 1st image is of clothes, 2nd image is of a bunch of food, 3rd image is a tent, 4th image is a first aid kit, 5th image is a fan and the last image is money. For my list, I just chose 10 things that I would take with me. I'd choose these things to take camping because it's kind of the things I have at home. I really enjoyed this activity because I like going camping and so I knew what to things to choose as well.


  1. Kia ora Heavenly,

    It’s Shannon from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Gosh I would really love to go camping with your family. You have certainly included all the basics in your list. I love camping with my family. My mum is great at getting all the gear together and she always makes sure we have marshmallows to cook over the fire.

    Have you ever been camping? Where did you go? We usually go to Twizel!

    Have you looked at the stepping up activity where you get to design a gadget for camping? I think you would be really great at this activity, so I hope you will have a go to get extra points.

    Keep up the great work.

    Ka kite anō,
    Shannon (SLJ)

    1. Hi Shannon,

      I haven't heard of Twizel before but it sounds great.
      I haven't been camping before but my younger brother was lucky to go camping with my auntie at the beach for two nights.

      Thank you for commenting on my blog post and I hope you enjoy more of my blog post.


    2. HI Heavenly,

      It's super cool, it has a lake right by the campground and a heap of activities to do!

      If you could go camping, where would you go?

      Bye for now,
      Shannon (SLJ)
