Sunday, January 17, 2021

SLJ - Build a Super Seesaw

 L.I: To build a super seesaw.

Today I created a super seesaw by watching a video from Nanogirl. For this activity I had to build a Seesaw with a "wooden spoon", "toilet paper roll", "rubber band" and a ball made of tin foil. So Firstly I grabbed all the stuff I needed then I started building my seesaw. 1st step to build my seesaw was to use the rubber band to tie the toilet paper roll onto my wooden spoon and then to finish it off I made a tin foil ball but as you can see my image it would probably make more sense of how I put my seesaw together. I had fun with this activity because it was a very creative way of making a seesaw.


  1. Hi Heavenly,
    What a great looking seesaw you made - how was it at launching the foil ball?

    1. Hi Nanogirl,

      I appreciate that you've enjoyed my project.
      It was really fun launching the foil ball, in fact it was actually the best part.

      Thank you for commenting on my blog post.

