Wednesday, January 6, 2021

SLJ - My special summer place

 L.I: To create and show why where I spend my summer time is special to me.

Today I’m going to show you why where I spend my summer time is special to me. 1st: Auckland is my home town and I mostly spend my time here in Auckland with my family. 2nd: Whanganui is a special place for my summer time because I have family that live there. 3rd: Lake Taupo is where me and my family go on road trips too. 4th: Wellington is where I go too because I also have family there as well and cause my dad kinda grew up there. These places are very special to me but the most special place to me is South Auckland/S.A because I was born and I grew up there, most of my family live here as well. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to show you guys what my special places were and not only 1 but 4.


  1. Tēnā koe Heavenly, this is Elle from SLJ.

    Tino pai tō mahi! I really like that you’ve shared so many of your special summer places and created such an awesome DLO with interesting facts about each!

    I have been to all of these places, and I agree, they are very special! I think it is great that you’ve shared so many reasons why those places are special to you, and they are all tied into family! I love going on family road trips and it’s great to hear that you do too!

    Is there a place in New Zealand that you haven’t travelled to yet that you would really like to visit? I would love to know! Mine is Dunedin, my little brother studies at University there and I am excited to go and explore it with him later this year!

    Ngā mihi nui and keep up the great work Heavenly.
    Elle (SLJ)

    1. Hi Elle,

      This activity was really fun.
      Me and my family like to explore and go out to places very often.
      Somewhere I haven't been to in New Zealand is Queens town but I would love to go there.

      Hope you enjoy more of my blog posts.

