Tuesday, January 5, 2021

SLJ - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

 L.I: To create my own fruit art.

Today I created a fruit art. This challenge was me trying to create or draw a fruit and vegetable but for this one I only made an apple because it was the only one I could draw. The fruit art was inspired by the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo. He was an Italian court painter, born on the 5th April 1526 and died on the 11th July 1593 at the age of 67. He was best known for creating imaginative portrait heads covered with objects such as fruits, vegetables, fish, flowers and books, he also took nature very seriously. I really enjoyed this challenge because I got to draw and create my own art and also HAPPY NEW YEARS to all.


  1. Kia Ora Heavenly,

    My name is Zana and I am a blog commenter from the Summer Learning Journey.

    I think you introduced and explained the activity well and it is great that you meanted Giuseppe and his art. I think that he was a very creative thinker and he had an awesome impact on the art scene.

    I think your fruit and veg art looks awesome but I believe the activity wanted you to be more creative and use multiple fruits to create a sort of portrait. You could use the apple as the head, a banana for a smile and some grapes for eyes. Something like that.

    Happy Holidays, Keep up the great work and I hope to see more of your posts over the summer.

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

    1. Hi Zana,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog. I've made sure people can learn about Giuseppe and I guess it's working.

      I appreciate that you've corrected me, like how you said "but I believe the activity wanted you to be more creative and use multiple fruits to create a sort of portrait. You could use the apple as the head, a banana for a smile and some grapes for eyes.", this was very helpful.

      Thank you for your feedback.


  2. Hello Heavenly

    I have learnt a lot from your posting. I knew about still art and the painting of objects such as fruit baskets but I didn't know about Giuseppe.

    I wonder what his paintings would be worth today?

    Great to see you making such good progress on the SLJ.


    1. Hi Mr Johnston,

      I've been wanting to see if I've been teaching others by blogging about people they wouldn't have heard about and I can see everyone's learning heaps about Giuseppe. Thanks for your feedback as well.

      It seems that Giuseppe's art work is worth $150 USD to $1,432,500 USD but it's deppending on the size of the artwork.

