Wednesday, January 6, 2021

SLJ - Ice cream

 L.I: To choose a sentence and create it into a comic or photo where people are saying the words.

Today I create a DLO and I chose a sentence to make my DLO with it. I was given a slide show to complete and that's where I had to choose my sentence from, (I chose the sentence from slide 7). For this challenge I chose a house image then for my characters I used Mario and Luigi. As you can see in the speech bubbles I put 1st and 2nd so that you know what sentence to read first. The 1st sentence was Mario saying "Kia pai to ra" which means "have a good day" in te reo maori and the 2nd one was Luigi saying "kia tutaki" which means "see you later in te reo maori as well. I have also added my own little twist to the sentences and if you read the sentences in both of them they have " *churr* " at the end of them and that is just a way of saying "bye" or "hi". I really enjoyed this challenge because I actually had a lot of fun putting this DLO together.


  1. Kia ora Heavenly,

    This is Charlotte from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Thank you for sharing your picture! I love that you used Mario and Luigi - very funny! I like your twist of adding chur as well.

    Have you considered animating this for the step it up activity? If you do, you will earn points for that too. But more importantly, it sounds like fun!

    Keep up the awesome mahi!


    1. Hi Charlotte,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog post. I really appreciate that you enjoyed my blog post. I'll have a look at the step it up challenge as well.

