Tuesday, December 29, 2020

SLJ - It's cool to be kind

 L.I: Screenshot a kind comment that you really like and also screenshot your reply.

Today I have completed this activity. My topic for this DLO is "Its cool to be kind" and so I went searching for a comment on my blog that I thought was nice, and screenshot it then also screenshot my reply as well. As you can see I have chosen "Fiona Rua's" comment, she is part of the SLJ team and I really liked her comment because her feedback was really kind and her comment was also very relatable to my task. In return I have replied to her comment and I have thanked her for commenting on my blog post. I really enjoyed making this DLO because as I was looking for a kind comment I found many many kind comments.


  1. Kia ora Heavenly,

    Charlotte here from the SLJ team.

    Thank you for sharing this kind comment from Fiona, as well as your reply. I think your reply was lovely!

    Do you enjoy writing comments for others? I really like it! I also love seeing the comments that bloggers leave for each other - I’m always pleasantly surprised at how kind they are.

    Keep up the awesome commenting!


    1. Hi Charlotte

      Thank you for commenting on my blog, I really appreciate it.
      Yes I enjoyed the other comments that I had been commented onto my blog.

      Thank you for your feedback

