Friday, January 1, 2021

SLJ - Build a Super Column

 L.I: To create and share a Column that I have created and see how many objects can it hold.

Today I created a Column and I tried to see how many objects can it hold. To create this I used paper, glue, cardboard and small fizzy drink bottles. The paper was to make the triangle and circle shaped column, the glue was used to make the column stick together so that it could be a 3D shaped column, the cardboard was the roof and floor and the small fizzy drink bottles was used for the weight. For the first one I created a triangle shaped column and it was only strong enough to hold 3 small fizzy drink bottles. For the last one I created a circle shaped column and it was also strong enough to hold 3 small fizzy drink bottles. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to be creative and I created something I haven't done before.


  1. Good Morning Heavenly

    My goodness the New Year has created a burst of activities and postings with you. Well done there is lots of excellent work, effort and thought going into your postings. I've certainly enjoyed looking through your recent posts.

    This was a good scientific post. Well done. It shows a good understanding of the concept. I really like how you used the items that you had availiable.


    1. Hi Mr Johnston and happy new years,

      You were the first person to comment on my blog post for 2021. Thank you for your feedback. I can see that you've really enjoyed my blog post and that means I've done a very good job. Once again happy new years and have a good rest of your holiday.


  2. Hello again Heavenly, Elle here from SLJ.

    Awesome work on your nanogirl super columns! Those are some very sturdy structures, very impressive! Especially holding up fizzy drinks instead of rocks, because they have to be balanced, so they don’t fall over!

    Thank you for sharing photos of both shaped columns too, and how you found the activity! It’s always good fun trying something creative you’ve never done before!

    It’s interesting that both columns were able to hold up three fizzy drinks. I wonder how much more they could each withstand? What other items could you use as weights to test its strength?

    Keep up the great blogging, I am thoroughly enjoying getting to read your posts!

    Mā te wā
    Elle (SLJ)

    1. Hi Elle,

      Thanks for your feedback.
      Something other items I could have used were rocks (other natural resources), mini toy balls and many other items.

      Thank you for commenting on my blog post.

