Sunday, January 17, 2021

SLJ - Poi Rakau *REDO

L.I: To create my own rules / instructions of Poi Rakau.

Today I created this slide show. This slide show had the instructions / rules of my own way playing Poi Rakau. This game is a really fun but it was more fun for me because I get to share my own created Poi Rakau game. As you read the instructions you should try play my game as well. My game is an elimination game. I had many different plans for the rules of Poi Rakau but I think these rules were my best ones. What rules would you add to mine? I really enjoyed this activity because I got to create my own rules and instructions for the game of Poi Rakau and I had loads of fun because I get to share it with you. Hope you enjoy my game. *REDO*

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