Wednesday, January 6, 2021

SLJ - Float your boat

 L.I: Create a boat and make it float.

Hi everyone, Today I created my own boat and I made it float in water. To make this happen I grabbed a ice cream container and filled it up with water, then I watched a video and followed it step by step to make my paper boat. After I did all of that I tested it and took a photo of it so that I can show you guys what my boat looked like as it was in the water. On my first photo I it was a success but it was tilting a bit to the side and with the second photo it was the same thing but I took the photo in a different angel. Comment what I can do better so that my boat can float straightly in the water. I really enjoyed this activity because it was something new and I was kinda bored but by doing this, it helped me get out of my bored system. 


  1. Kia ora Heavenly,

    Fiona here from the SLJ team. Great work creating a paper boat and having a go at floating it! It looks like your boat is floating well! I don't really have any advice on what you can do better, because your boat is floating much better than mine did! Maybe to make it float straight in the water, you could try folding another boat and make sure it is perfectly symmetrical so each side is balanced?

    Did you have a look at the Step it Up part of this activity? To step it up and earn extra points, you make a paper canoe and a square boat, then test how well they float with stones in them. I think you will really enjoy it!

    Keep up the great blogging. I can't wait to see more of your work soon.

    Mā te wā,
    Fiona (SLJ).

    1. Hi Fiona,

      Thanks for your advice.
      I will try the step it up challenge and I think I might enjoy it as well.

      Thank you for commenting on my blog post.

