Thursday, January 7, 2021

SLJ - Camping site

 L.I: To choose what tent site would make me the most money.

Today I have completed a SLJ challenge. In this challenge I was given a slide show and in the slide show I had to choose a camp site that would make me the most money so its $15 a night for one camp site and the most camp site there is then the most money I could make. If you look on the slide you will see what i'm trying to explain and it makes more sense then what i'm trying to say right now. I really enjoyed this activity because it was fun to figure out the answer. 


  1. Kia ora Heavenly,

    It’s Shannon from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Ka pai on completing your challenge. It looked hard but you did a good job and I’m super impressed. You’re right, you could make $750 from the first camp site. Well done calculating these answers and showing your workings. You’re awesome!

    How much would you make profit on the campsite that has two sites with toilets on it? Don’t forget to show your working!

    I look forward to hearing back from you!

    Keep up the great work!

    Ka kite anō,
    Shannon (SLJ)

    1. Hi Shannon,

      I see you've enjoyed my blog post. Thank you for commenting on it as well.
      I'm not sure how much I could make profit on the campsite that has two toilets but I'm pretty sure if I can do this one then I could do the one with two toilets.

      Once again thank you for commenting on my blog post.


    2. Hi Heavenly,

      I think you can too! Would you like to give it a go and get back to me in these comments?

      I can help if you need!

      Bye for now,
      Shannon (SLJ)
