Wednesday, January 20, 2021

SLJ - Mondrian Art

 L.I: To create my own Mondrian Art.

Today I created this piece of art work. It isn't just an ordinary art work but its called Mondrian Art. Mondrian art was created by a famous Dutch Painter named Piet Mondrian. Piet Mondrian was born on the 7th of March 1872 but sadly died on the 1st of February from pneumonia at the age of 71. When I was creating my art work I was finding it hard to spread all the colours out but then I just thought that know matter what I do it would still look good. I added my own twist as well by adding Darwin from the cartoon The Amazing World Of Gumball. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to be creative and my favourite part was seeing my art work finished.


  1. Mōrena Heavenly

    It’s Renee from the Summer Learning Journey Team, here. Ka pai for your work on this fantastic blog post and creating your own Mondrian inspired artwork. In particular I love that you added your own twist to this activity by including Darwin - that is really eye-catching. I have never seen The Amazing World Of Gumball - what is it about?

    It’s also great that you took the time to include some background about the artist Mondrian and his life in your blog post - I think that is so helpful. I found it really interesting watching the videos and learning about Mondrian’s life. He must have been a very brave man to start painting in a way that was so different from how the other artists were creating during his lifetime.

    Did you enjoy this activity? Which SLJ activities have been your favourite so far?

    Ngā mihi nui and keep up the awesome blogging!
    Renee (SLJ)

    1. Hi Renee,

      I see you've enjoyed my artwork.
      The Amazing World Of Gumball is about a cat (Gumball) and his best friend the fish (Darwin). It is a comedy animated series.

      Yes i really did enjoy this activity and my favourite activity from the SLJ is the fishy false teeth kick start because it was funny.

      Thank you for commenting on my blog post.

