Wednesday, January 20, 2021

SLJ - Fishy false teeth (step it up)

 L.I: To write what why you think its real or fake.

Today I made this DLO. As you can see it has a picture of a strange fish. I have reasons of why it could be fake, why it could be real and in between reasons. If you read my DLO it has all the reasons I wrote down and some of them a really interesting. Do you think this is a real or fake fish?. I had fun creating this DLO because it was fun to discover if the fish is real or fake.


  1. Hi Molly,

    You have great reasons of why you think its real, well I think it is also real because I've looked at a video of one at I think it looks pretty real to me.

    Thank you for commenting on my blog post, hope you enjoy more.


  2. Kia ora Heavenly, this is Elle from SLJ.

    Thank you for sharing your False Fishy Teeth DLO! Yellow is my favourite colour at the moment, so your background gets a big smiley face from me!

    Those are some interesting points you’ve made, because you’re right - it could go either way! Do you have any particular side you’re leaning towards? I am quite a skeptical person, but I think there’s a possibility that it could be real! One of my thoughts is that, if it were edited, wouldn’t it be more likely that someone would photoshop perfectly straight teeth onto the fish? Or maybe, if it was photoshopped, the person was really clever and knew that it would look more believable to include overlapping in the bottom row of teeth! There are too many variables for me to decide!

    Maybe for next time, it would be great to see more of your thoughts or process, like perhaps a link to a video or a website you found in your research that could help people decide what they believe. Otherwise, well done for sharing!

    Ngā mihi nui and keep up the great blogging!
    Elle (SLJ)

  3. Kia ora Heavenly

    It’s Renee from the Summer Learning Journey Team, here. Ka pai for completing this “Step it Up” activity, it was definitely a tricky one. You have done a great job at identifying some reasons why this article could be real or fake. In this day and age it can be really tricky to know if a photograph is real because computer programmes are so sophisticated and it can be really hard to tell whether someone has manipulated an image. Do you think the article is more likely real or fake?

    I have done a bit of research and I think that it could be real as trigger-fish really do have teeth like this (from the searches I have done on Google Images).

    Have you enjoyed your summer holiday so far? What have been your highlights? A highlight of my summer has been swimming at the beach and eating ice-cream in the sun.

    As we are now coming to the end of the Summer Learning Journey I would love to know which SLJ activities have been your favourite so far?

    Ngā mihi nui and keep up the awesome blogging!
    Renee (SLJ)
