Thursday, January 21, 2021

SLJ - Whanau Tent Time

 L.I: To create a Tent or a fort.

Today I create my own tent. For my tent I used 3 big pillows, a big blanket, my bed and the top of my curtain pole. First thing I did was hang one end of my blanket onto the top of my curtain pole and then I put my 3 pillows lying across on my bed so for my other end of my blanket it could hold together with the 3 pillow, that's basically all I had to do to make my tent. If you look at the pictures you would see what i'm trying to explain. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to be creative to make a tent and I love building forts and tents with my younger siblings.


  1. Hi Heavenly

    What a cool tent. It looks like it is a fun place to sleep. I think all of us at some stage have created bedroom tents.

    Have you ever been camping and slept in a tent? If so was it a good experience?

    Great to see you continuing and having fun on the SLJ.


  2. Hey Heavenly

    Great work on completing this task, You’ve done an awesome job over the summer.

    The Summer learning journey is now over and we’re calculating all the points to figure out our prize winners. Sorry that I don’t have time to leave a really detailed comment but I’m just here to let you know this post will be counted towards your points.

    Well done,
    Hope you have an awesome summer and stay safe.

