Friday, January 1, 2021

SLJ - Which face is real?

 L.I: Figure out what face is real.

For this activity, I did a challenge to find out which face is real and which one isn't real. I got this one correct and the way I did it was I looked around for some of the odd things on the face. In this picture I could only find one thing that was odd in the picture and it was the right pictures eyebrows. I could see that the eyebrows were fake because it was a bit to big and it looked like he ova loaded his eyebrow too much with make-up. On the left picture I knew that was the real one because I could see that he looked more normal then the other picture. I really enjoyed this challenge because it was fun to test if I knew what was real or not.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Heavenly,

    Charlotte here from the Summer Learning Journey team.

    Well done on getting this “real or fake” comparison correct! I found this one difficult but you were right about the second man’s eyebrow not looking right. Great spotting!

    I am so glad you enjoyed this challenge! Which has been your favourite so far?

    I have really liked looking at everyones posts and giving comments.

    Keep up the good work!

    Ngā mihi,

