Thursday, January 21, 2021

SLJ - Whanau Tent Time

 L.I: To create a Tent or a fort.

Today I create my own tent. For my tent I used 3 big pillows, a big blanket, my bed and the top of my curtain pole. First thing I did was hang one end of my blanket onto the top of my curtain pole and then I put my 3 pillows lying across on my bed so for my other end of my blanket it could hold together with the 3 pillow, that's basically all I had to do to make my tent. If you look at the pictures you would see what i'm trying to explain. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to be creative to make a tent and I love building forts and tents with my younger siblings.

SLJ - That Was Summer

 L.I: To create a *That was summer* poem.

Today for this weeks activity I created a summer poem. For this poem I tried to think of all the things I normally do in the summer time so I thought of going swimming, hanging out with family and friends, having sleepovers and man more. I added in summer pictures like one of them is of a beach then the 2nd one is a summer meme and the last one is just a summer logo. I really enjoyed this activity because I like writing my own poem's and I think I did a good job.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

SLJ - Summer song maker

 L.I: To create a summer song/beat.

Song maker

Today I made a summer song/beat on the song maker. I've been working on this for a bit to long because I've been making long beats as well but i thought why don't I keep it short and simple. So on this song maker you can make heaps of different beats and the fun part is you can also change the sounds and instruments of them. For my instruments I chose to use Marimba and for my back up sound I chose the electronics. If you click my link it would take you to my beat. I really enjoyed this activity because it was really enjoyable and fun.

SLJ - Fishy false teeth (step it up)

 L.I: To write what why you think its real or fake.

Today I made this DLO. As you can see it has a picture of a strange fish. I have reasons of why it could be fake, why it could be real and in between reasons. If you read my DLO it has all the reasons I wrote down and some of them a really interesting. Do you think this is a real or fake fish?. I had fun creating this DLO because it was fun to discover if the fish is real or fake.

SLJ - Mondrian Art

 L.I: To create my own Mondrian Art.

Today I created this piece of art work. It isn't just an ordinary art work but its called Mondrian Art. Mondrian art was created by a famous Dutch Painter named Piet Mondrian. Piet Mondrian was born on the 7th of March 1872 but sadly died on the 1st of February from pneumonia at the age of 71. When I was creating my art work I was finding it hard to spread all the colours out but then I just thought that know matter what I do it would still look good. I added my own twist as well by adding Darwin from the cartoon The Amazing World Of Gumball. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to be creative and my favourite part was seeing my art work finished.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

SLJ - Build a Super Seesaw

 L.I: To build a super seesaw.

Today I created a super seesaw by watching a video from Nanogirl. For this activity I had to build a Seesaw with a "wooden spoon", "toilet paper roll", "rubber band" and a ball made of tin foil. So Firstly I grabbed all the stuff I needed then I started building my seesaw. 1st step to build my seesaw was to use the rubber band to tie the toilet paper roll onto my wooden spoon and then to finish it off I made a tin foil ball but as you can see my image it would probably make more sense of how I put my seesaw together. I had fun with this activity because it was a very creative way of making a seesaw.

SLJ - Poi Rakau *REDO

L.I: To create my own rules / instructions of Poi Rakau.

Today I created this slide show. This slide show had the instructions / rules of my own way playing Poi Rakau. This game is a really fun but it was more fun for me because I get to share my own created Poi Rakau game. As you read the instructions you should try play my game as well. My game is an elimination game. I had many different plans for the rules of Poi Rakau but I think these rules were my best ones. What rules would you add to mine? I really enjoyed this activity because I got to create my own rules and instructions for the game of Poi Rakau and I had loads of fun because I get to share it with you. Hope you enjoy my game. *REDO*

Friday, January 15, 2021

SLJ - Poi Rakau

 L.I: To create my own rules / instructions of Poi Rakau.

Today I created this slide show. This slide show had the instructions / rules of my own way playing Poi Rakau. This game is a really fun but it was more fun for me because I get to share my own created Poi Rakau game. As you read the instructions you should try play my game as well. My game is an elimination game. I had many different plans for the rules of Poi Rakau but I think these rules were my best ones. What rules would you add to mine? I really enjoyed this activity because I got to create my own rules and instructions for the game of Poi Rakau and I had loads of fun because I get to share it with you. Hope you enjoy my game.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

SLJ - Are summer holidays the same around the world

 L.I: To write and create what it is like when it's summer in New Zealand.

Today I've created this DLO. This DLO is about what summer is like in New Zealand. As you can see there are two different pictures, these are in my opinion the best beaches I've been to and they are called Eastern Beach and Mission Beach. I like Eastern Beach because the water can be very clear sometimes and I like mission bay just because of the view. I've written a little paragraph of what summer's like in New Zealand. Fun fact that when it's summer in New Zealand for me it's so funny because I can legit be doing nothing but my body can still find away for me to sweat. I really enjoyed this task because it was fun to find facts about summer in New Zealand.

SLJ - It's a balance act

 L.I: Build a tower out of stones, rocks and pebbles. *If you don't have any of those then try find a different object.

Today I made a Tower. I was given an activity to make a tower out of rocks, pebbles or stones but I none of these objects had the shape to balance so I had a better idea and that was to make my tower out of pegs. As I was making this tower I had to rebuild it twice because it kept blowing down until I finally had it in the right spot. For this tower it holds up 20 pegs and that was how much I could get too. I really had fun on this activity although it was challenging but I still gave it a shot.

SLJ - Camping Hacks

 L.I: To create a list of things you would take camping.

Today I created this DLO. This DLO is filled with different things you would take as you go camping. As you can see I have images of some of the things I would take camping, the 1st image is of clothes, 2nd image is of a bunch of food, 3rd image is a tent, 4th image is a first aid kit, 5th image is a fan and the last image is money. For my list, I just chose 10 things that I would take with me. I'd choose these things to take camping because it's kind of the things I have at home. I really enjoyed this activity because I like going camping and so I knew what to things to choose as well.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

SLJ - Summer Symmetry

 L.I: To create a symmetry Photo College.

Today I made this Symmetry Photo College. For this challenge I had to take 4 photo's of symmetry objects which are basically objects that are 2D, 3D or objects that can be cut in halves. As you can see, I've made a DLO and it's filled with the 4 symmetry objects I took photo's of, 1st one was a "Calendar", 2nd was a G.O.M which is "Glass Of Milk" (I had to shorten it), 3rd was my room "Door" and then the last one was my NIKE shoe box. I also had to put lines through them and if it was a straight line and cut in half then it was a symmetry object. This challenge was really fun and I enjoyed taking the pictures and it was kinda confusing because I had to double check what are symmetry objects I could use for my photo's but so I just read the task again and then it made a bit more sense.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

SLJ - Anti Gravity Glass

 L.I: To experience different things with water.


Today I experience two different activities. One of them was filling a cup of water, putting a piece of cardboard on the top and then flipping it upside down. The other activity was filling a container with water and then put two holes on each side of the container, then get a long strip of string to tie through the holes, int he video it would probably make more sense. As I was doing these experiments, me and my brother helped each other take photo's and recording each others video's. I really enjoyed this activity, it was really funny because as we were recording and taking photo's we had some bloopers and I also had loads of fun.

Friday, January 8, 2021

SLJ - Ultraviolet

 L.I: To create a UV ray indicator.

To day I created a UV Indicator. A UV Indicator is the strength of the sunburn. It's basically like the level of the heat or weather. For this UV Indicator I had to use the colours that were suitable for the different heat levels, the challenging part was making the circle because it was a 5 piece one. I really enjoyed this challenge because I had fun decorating the LOW, AVERAGE, HIGH, VERY HIGH and EXTREME and changing the colours on them were fun as well.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

SLJ - Float your boat/ Step it up

 L.I: See which boat can hold the most stones.

Today I tried the step it up challenge and it kinda did alright. I think I did a pretty good job but I should have used a bigger container but I can tell u that both of them floated well. So I made a canoe and a square boat. I had to see which boat can hold the most stones and the canoe won. The canoe held the stones really well but when I put stones inside the square boat it made a hole at the bottom of it. This was challenging because I made a canoe but I accidentally ripped it so I had to start again but my second canoe came out way better then my first one. I think the square boat was a bit unstable because I couldn't fold it properly but I managed to fold most of the parts. I really enjoyed this challenge because it was hard but I still managed to get it done.

SLJ - Camping site

 L.I: To choose what tent site would make me the most money.

Today I have completed a SLJ challenge. In this challenge I was given a slide show and in the slide show I had to choose a camp site that would make me the most money so its $15 a night for one camp site and the most camp site there is then the most money I could make. If you look on the slide you will see what i'm trying to explain and it makes more sense then what i'm trying to say right now. I really enjoyed this activity because it was fun to figure out the answer. 

SLJ - Summer college

 L.I: To create a summer college.

Today I created this DLO and its filled with places I go to in summer. So in the summer time I like going to the beach because who doesn't go to the beach on a hot weather like summer. When it's not that hot but kinda warm I like to play basketball at the park. This doesn't happen often but I sometimes go to rainbows end in the summer time. Happy days is my favourite restaurant and also my great grandpa's favourite restaurant too. I also like doing the SLJ tasks and I think you should do it as well. In the summer time nothing but watching Netflix and chilling in my room is the best thing I like doing in the summer time. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to show you guys some places I like going to in the summer time and if anyone hasn't been to these places maybe they could explore it as well.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

SLJ - Ice cream

 L.I: To choose a sentence and create it into a comic or photo where people are saying the words.

Today I create a DLO and I chose a sentence to make my DLO with it. I was given a slide show to complete and that's where I had to choose my sentence from, (I chose the sentence from slide 7). For this challenge I chose a house image then for my characters I used Mario and Luigi. As you can see in the speech bubbles I put 1st and 2nd so that you know what sentence to read first. The 1st sentence was Mario saying "Kia pai to ra" which means "have a good day" in te reo maori and the 2nd one was Luigi saying "kia tutaki" which means "see you later in te reo maori as well. I have also added my own little twist to the sentences and if you read the sentences in both of them they have " *churr* " at the end of them and that is just a way of saying "bye" or "hi". I really enjoyed this challenge because I actually had a lot of fun putting this DLO together.

SLJ - Float your boat

 L.I: Create a boat and make it float.

Hi everyone, Today I created my own boat and I made it float in water. To make this happen I grabbed a ice cream container and filled it up with water, then I watched a video and followed it step by step to make my paper boat. After I did all of that I tested it and took a photo of it so that I can show you guys what my boat looked like as it was in the water. On my first photo I it was a success but it was tilting a bit to the side and with the second photo it was the same thing but I took the photo in a different angel. Comment what I can do better so that my boat can float straightly in the water. I really enjoyed this activity because it was something new and I was kinda bored but by doing this, it helped me get out of my bored system. 

SLJ - Witchy airwaves podcast

 L.I: To make a podcast of my favourite story.

Today I have made a slide show of one of my childhood stories. I wasn't sure if I had to choose one that I knew or pick one that was given off the SLJ challenge so I chose one I knew. This story is about sleeping beauty. I picked this story because its one of my little sisters favourite story. I've written the story part from part and I think I did a pretty good job with it. Unfortunately I did not make the recording of me reading the story because there was an issue with the video saving but I did manage to get the slide show on. Hope everyone enjoys this story. I really enjoyed it because I had the chance to write the story of sleeping beauty.

SLJ - My special summer place

 L.I: To create and show why where I spend my summer time is special to me.

Today I’m going to show you why where I spend my summer time is special to me. 1st: Auckland is my home town and I mostly spend my time here in Auckland with my family. 2nd: Whanganui is a special place for my summer time because I have family that live there. 3rd: Lake Taupo is where me and my family go on road trips too. 4th: Wellington is where I go too because I also have family there as well and cause my dad kinda grew up there. These places are very special to me but the most special place to me is South Auckland/S.A because I was born and I grew up there, most of my family live here as well. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to show you guys what my special places were and not only 1 but 4.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

SLJ - Summer Sounds

 L.I: To record sounds I hear in the summer.

For this activity I recorded sounds I can hear outside while it's sunny. In this recording you could probably hear birds chirping, the wind and maybe driving cars. I did this recording in a good time because it was really hot and there were lots of birds and bugs making noises very loud. I only had the audio to the video so unfortunately you won't see anything. I really had fun doing this challenge because I was actually concentrating on the sounds outside and it was pretty outstanding.

SLJ - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

 L.I: To create my own fruit art.

Today I created a fruit art. This challenge was me trying to create or draw a fruit and vegetable but for this one I only made an apple because it was the only one I could draw. The fruit art was inspired by the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo. He was an Italian court painter, born on the 5th April 1526 and died on the 11th July 1593 at the age of 67. He was best known for creating imaginative portrait heads covered with objects such as fruits, vegetables, fish, flowers and books, he also took nature very seriously. I really enjoyed this challenge because I got to draw and create my own art and also HAPPY NEW YEARS to all.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

SLJ - Build a dam

 L.I: To build a dam with only natural resources.

Today I made a dam which is something that beavers make for protection from their predators. My sister and brother helped me assemble this as I was making this, My uncle and dad gave me ideas of how to create and design the dam, for this I used natural resources that we had around the house. I dug a hole in the ground which was the base then i covered it with rocks, put branches and grass in the middle then filled the rest of it with water. I enjoyed this activity because i got to create something that i haven't made before and came up with good ideas while making this.

Friday, January 1, 2021

SLJ - Fishy false teeth

 L.I: Creating my own sentences.

For this activity I have kinda made my own comic. I had to use this image but I needed to make and write my own sentences that go with the pictures. I really enjoyed this activity because it was really funny and it was even cooler because I was the one that got to come up with these sentences. I hope you enjoy this activity.

SLJ - Build a Super Column

 L.I: To create and share a Column that I have created and see how many objects can it hold.

Today I created a Column and I tried to see how many objects can it hold. To create this I used paper, glue, cardboard and small fizzy drink bottles. The paper was to make the triangle and circle shaped column, the glue was used to make the column stick together so that it could be a 3D shaped column, the cardboard was the roof and floor and the small fizzy drink bottles was used for the weight. For the first one I created a triangle shaped column and it was only strong enough to hold 3 small fizzy drink bottles. For the last one I created a circle shaped column and it was also strong enough to hold 3 small fizzy drink bottles. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to be creative and I created something I haven't done before.

SLJ - Which face is real?

 L.I: Figure out what face is real.

For this activity, I did a challenge to find out which face is real and which one isn't real. I got this one correct and the way I did it was I looked around for some of the odd things on the face. In this picture I could only find one thing that was odd in the picture and it was the right pictures eyebrows. I could see that the eyebrows were fake because it was a bit to big and it looked like he ova loaded his eyebrow too much with make-up. On the left picture I knew that was the real one because I could see that he looked more normal then the other picture. I really enjoyed this challenge because it was fun to test if I knew what was real or not.

SLJ - Nga mihi o te tau hou

 L.I: Finding out 5 different cultures to say Happy New Years.

For this activity, I have shown you 5 different culture of how to say Happy New Years. The first one is Happy New Years and that one is in English, the second one is "Manuia le Tausaga Fou" and that one is in Samoan, the third one is "Nga mihi o te tau hou" and that one is in maori, the 4th one is Ta'u "Fo'ou Fiefia" and that one is in Tongan and for the last one it is Hau'oli makahiki hou and that one is in Hawaiian. I really enjoyed this challenge because I got to learn how to say Happy New Years in 5 different cultures.

SLJ - Tama-nui-te-ra

 L.I: Creating my most important words using "word art".

For this activity, I have made a word art by using my most important words. As you can see my creative art, I used the number one shape because these words are my first important words, I picked "family and friends" for my first words because I always put my family first and my friends are like my family , for my second word I put "food" because I love food and I can't live without it and for my last word I put "life" because it was just one of my most important words that came to my head. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to think about what my most important words are and why their my most important words.

SLJ - Taste of summer

L.I: To create my own summer taste by showing images of what I eat in summer.

For this activity I have put images of what I eat in summer time. The first food I like eating in summer time is ice-cream because its nice and cold, the second food I like eating is burgers because it's just enough to fill my stomach before heading out to the beach and the third food I like eating is watermelon because it has a refreshing taste to it. The first drink I like drinking in summer are fizzy drinks because there cold and then the last one is a milkshake because its yum. I have many other favourite summer foods but these ones are my most favourite. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to show what I like and eat in the summer time.