Wednesday, December 23, 2020

SLJ - Te Huarere

 L.I: To create and complete a sentence in Te Reo Maori.

Today I have done a Te reo Maori activity. I have copied a Slide show with activities that I had to complete The thing I had to complete was the sentences that were in te reo maori and I had to fill in the blank spaces. In my last activity I created my own maori sentence, I didn't only do 1 but I did 3 sentences and I would like you to try it out. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to learn more words that are translated in a different culture and I got to explain and create my own activity as well.


  1. Mōrena Heavenly

    Ben here from the SLJ commenting team.

    Great work with this activity, you’ve answered everything correctly. I’m loving these te reo Māori activities, they’re really helpful for me also!

    He rangi paki i tēnei rā. It’s a nice day where I am, how about you?

    Meri Kirihimete, Merry Christmas,

    1. Hi Benjamin

      Thank you for looking at my blog post. I really hope you enjoyed it as well. I can see that you know some maori sentences as well. Thank you for commenting and have a good summer holiday.


  2. Hi Heavenly

    I thought you did well on this activity. Perhaps there will be an opening for a weather presenter on TV.

    Great to see your progress with the SLJ. I hope you are enjoying the challenges

    1. Hi Mr Johnston

      Thanks for your feedback and have a good summer holiday.

