Thursday, December 17, 2020

SLJ - Kowhaiwhai Pattern

L.I: To create my own kowhaiwhai pattern and to tell others about Tanerore.

Today I have been working on this DLO. The kowhaiwhai pattern is part of the activity that I have been doing, It represents the love of nature and the air that waves through aotearoa.  Tanerore the son of Tama-nui-te-ra and is the role of glistening air as he performs a haka for his mother Hine-raumati. Tanerore is the re presenter of the hot sun. Moari suspect that when the sun is shinning and really hot, then you can see Tanerore doing the haka for his mother. As the air shines and waves it joins memories of quaver hand actions.


  1. Tēnā koe Heavenly, this is Elle from the Summer Learning Journey team.

    You have done an amazing job on your kowhaiwhai pattern - tino pai! I really like that your artwork represents the love of nature and the flow of air through Aotearoa. This is a very thoughtful meaning and I can definitely see it in your design. I also really like that you’ve used such bold colours and put so much care into the detail!

    Thank you for sharing the story of Tānerore and how your kowhaiwhai pattern reflects the narrative. What was your favourite part about creating your pattern and what did you find the most inspiring or interesting about the story of Tānerore?

    Ka pai and keep up the great work Heavenly! It is awesome to see you so active in the Summer Learning Journey!

    Ngā mihi,
    Elle (SLJ)

    1. Hi Elle,
      Thank you for your feed back.
      My favourite part about creating this pattern was that I got to also got the opportunity to think about what they how should I put them in place, whats the meaning of it and what the kowhaiwhai pattern would look like with colours.

      Once again thank you for your feed back and I hope you enjoy some more of my activities.


    2. Hi Heavenly,

      You are most welcome; you did very well!
      That is great to hear that you enjoyed making your pattern because you got the opportunity to choose how it looked and what it meant! That is a very attentive way to look at creating art!

      You definitely chose some awesome colours and it’s great to see you put so much care into the activity. I thoroughly enjoyed your blog post.

      Thank you again for sharing and I am looking forward to seeing what else you create these holidays!

      Mā te wā,
      Elle (SLJ)
