Monday, December 7, 2020

Operation Christmas Drop

 LI: To write a summary of the story behind the Operation Christmas Drop in your own words.

For the last 68 years the men and women of the US air force who are based at Andersen Air force Base in Guam have been using a pilot training drill to drop much needed supplies to the people who live on the 50 remote islands that surround Guam. Today in LS2 we have been researching the Operation Christmas Drop. It is a tradition that started in 1952, with the help of many people donating money and volunteering to help wrap the presents to send to Guam , the air force Men & Women have been going around to 50 different islands and countries to drop off supplies in large crates that land with a parachute. It started off as an training exercise for the air force men & women to practise taking food supplies to there troops but then it began to be the longest US civil defence in the world. Something I have learnt and found interesting is that when they make the presents is that they use the same size boxes for all the presents. Doing this was fun and cool to learn what the US Air force is doing for Islands that are unfortunate to get things that we have and how the community is helping with this Operation. 

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