Friday, December 18, 2020

SLJ - Which one doesn't belong

 L.I: To say which image doesn't belong and why?

This DLO was an activity that shows images and I had to write down my responds which were why and which image doesn't belong or match with the others. During this activity it got harder and harder but I think I still managed to pass it. This slide show was a very fun activity to do because at the end of my slide show I have made my own decision of pictures and anyone that see's my blog can try it out. 


  1. Kia Ora Heavenly,

    It’s Charlotte here, a commenter for the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey. WOW, what great work you have done on the ‘Which One Doesn’t Belong’ task!

    I really liked this activity! I thought it was really cool how there was more than one answer to each question. What did you like best about this activity? What has been your favourite activity so far?

    I noticed that you created your own challenge on the last slide! The main differences that I can see is they all have different amounts of people in them, and that D is the smallest picture!
    What are some other differences?

    Ngā mihi nui
    Summer Learning Journey

    1. Hi Charlotte

      I see that you've seen another one of my SLJ blog posts. I really hope you enjoyed this one. Thank for noticing that one slide I created. I think that you have spotted some of the differences in my last slide but "some people are doing different poses", "different facials" and more that I probably can't find.

      Thank you for commenting


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