Wednesday, September 8, 2021

List Poem

 LI: To write a list poem that describes a topic by painting a picture with your words.

Today we wrote list poems about an anime character. Our challenge was to use descriptive language features to paint a clear picture with our words. I enjoyed this task because I like writing List Poems and because it describes who my character is and what her personality is.

Own Design Character Profile

LI: To create a character profile.

Our challenge was to design our own anime/manga character. Our next challenge was to draw the character on our chromebooks or on paper. I chose to draw my character on paper because it would be more challenging for me. Our final challenge was to write a paragraph that describes our character. I enjoyed this activity because I got to show you what my anime character is and does in life.


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Cinquain Poem

 LI: To write a cinquain poem to describe an anime character.

This week we have been exploring the world of anime and manga. Our challenge today was to write a cinquain poem to help us strengthen our connections to description that describes our favourite anime/manga character. A cinquain poem has 5 lines. Each line has a different purpose. Line 1 is a noun which is a name. Line 2 has 2 adjectives taht describe the noun. Line 3 has 3 verbs that end in ‘ing’ and describe the actions. Line 4 is a noun phrase which is a group of words (not a sentence) that go together to describe the noun. Line 5 is a synonym which is a word with a similar meaning to the noun. I chose Franklin Clinton from GTA because one of my favourtie things about Franklin is that he does bad things like stealing but finds a way to not leave evidence.

Anime/Manga Character Profile

 LI: To create a character profile.

Our challenge was to choose our favourite anime/manga character. Our next challenge was to draw the character on our chromebooks or on paper. I chose to draw my character on my chrome book because it was easier for me and because people can see my drawing properly. Our final challenge was to write a paragraph that describes our character and explains why this character is your favourite. I enjoyed this activity because I got to show you what my Manga/Anime Character is all about.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Manga Artist

 LI: To read for meaning and understanding.

Our challenge today was to use our smart searching skills to create a DLO in our own words that tells us about the life of our favourite manga artist or a well known manga artist. The Manga artist I chose to write about was 'Akira Toriyama'. He is the creator of 'Dragon Ball'. A fact I found interesting is that Akira Toriyama is a shy person who doesn't like interviews, that is why he doesn't like getting involved with the media and going out in public.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

The History of Manga

 LI: To read for meaning and understanding.

Our reading comprehension focus today was to complete a  about the history of Manga to show that we are reading for meaning and understanding. Our final challenge in this activity was to create a DLO to share the information we found out. Manga is a originated japanese collection and series of comic books/graphic novels. Manga was first founded from scrolls back in the 12th - 13th centuries. The word Manga was first bring to light when Hokusai Katsushika used it to describe his ukiyo-e sketches. In 1853+ Manga was than starting to take hold of western influence. Between the years of 1945 - 1980, Manga started to make an appearance as “modern manga”. Osamu Tezuka a Japanese manga artist, created a new and frsh part to the history of manga. 

I found it interesting that the oldest Manga is from the 12th and 13th century.

Katsudo Shashin Animation

 LI: To create an animation.

One of the oldest surviving pieces of Japanese animation may be a nameless, dateless, approximately 3-second film known as “Katsudo Shashin“ (literally “Action Photo“). It simply features a boy writing the words 活動写真 katsudo shashin and then doffing his cap. Our challenge today was to use our animation skills to create our own 3 second ‘action photo’ using our own manga character. I enjoyed this because I got to be creative and try something new by making my own animation.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

My Costumized Shoes

 L.I: To show how I would customize my shoes.

For this challenge, I customized my own pair of sneakers. The theme I chose was basketball. As you can see I designed the two numbers which is Kobe Bryant and Stephen Curry's basketball number. On my customized sneaker I chose to design the Cleveland Cavaliers logo, a firey Nike tick, on the bottom I switched 'AIR' to 'NBA' and I made the BOSTON CELTICS logo. Lastly, right infront on the tip of my shoe it say's 'SHINOBI PANDAS' with the number 29 next to it. The SHINOBI PANDAS is the basketball team I play for. On the courts I represent the number 29 which is my brothers birthday number. This challenge was really fun because I got to show and explain why I designed my sneakers like this way.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Summary Customised Shoes

 LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about.

This summary is about a sneaker artist named Rangi-Haira Jaxon Greening. He customises his own shoes and sends them around the world to people who wanna buy them. He is now trying to make a living out of designing sneakers, 'I never thought I'd get to this point' he says. His art works on different pair of sneakers are stunning. My challenge here was to write down 20 important words from a article I read and then from those 20 words, I picked 6 most important words. Out of those 6 modt important words I used them to make a short paragraph about Rangi-Haira Jaxon Greening. Something I found interesting is that Rangi-Haira Jaxon Greening started this as a hobby and now is making a living out of it.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Recreating Famous Artworks

 LI: To use Google Draw to recreate a famous artwork.

LI: To use your knowledge of colour and colour mixing to replicate the colours used in the artworks.

This week we have been learning about famous artworks and colour mixing. The artwork I chose was 'The Mona Lisa' by Leonardo da Vinci. This artwork was painted in 1503. It was painted because the lady in the painting 'Lisa del giocondo' was giving birth to her second son and it was to celebrate her families new home as well. Today it can be found in the Louvre Museum, Paris. I enjoyed this challenge because I learnt new facts about the painting and about who painted it.

Sunday, August 29, 2021


LI: To define the terms and understand the properties of 2D shapes.

Our challenge today was to find the definitions of a 2D shape then draw the shape. I chose to draw my own/use the shapes tool because it will help me show you the way I see and understand it. I found this interesting because it was a bit of something new but at the same time I knew what I was doing. I liked this challenge because I got to show my way of understanding the different degrees.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Goodbye Hello Poem

 L.I: To write a list poem that describes a topic by painting a picture of opposites with your words.

For writing, me and my brother created our own Goodbye Hello Poem. A Goodbye Hello Poem is when you pick a topic like 'Lockdown' and then in a specific way, you write what you miss and what you don't miss before lockdown started. I think this is my second time writing one of these poems.  I enjoyed writing this poem because it was kind of creative and really fun to write.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

List Poem

 L.I: Create a listing poem about any poem.

For writing, me and my brother created our own list poem. A List poem is listing different things that link to the topic your writing about, for example we did 'The annoying things my brother/sister does. This poem was something different and it was my first time writing one of these. I enjoyed writing this poem because it was funny and at the same time me and my brother mocked each other #another thing we do to annoy each other. Someone who reads this and has siblings might be able to relate.

Sunday, August 15, 2021


 L.I: To draw and label your own Hauora diagram

In order to be able to perform at their best athletes need to have a four walls of the whare tapawha standing. We created this poster to show what each wall represents and why it is important. I found out that if you arn't feeling really happy and one of your walls fall down, that means every other wall will fall aswell unless you pick yourself up and keep pushing yourself to be positive. I enjoyed making this poster because other people can read it and learn how to win without shoving it in other peoples faces.

Ancient Olympic Games Presentation

LI: To skim and scan to find facts about the Ancient Olympics and make notes in my own words.

We used our reading time this week to find out about the Ancient Greek Olympics. Once we had made our notes and reorganised our information we collaboratively created a presentation. I found out that if married women were caught in the olympic stadium then they would get thrown off Mt Olympis. I enjoyed this because I got to find out interesting information like the different sports they did in the ancient time.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Hauora and Olyimpians

L.I: To show our understanding of Hauora in context.

Athletes at the top of their field train mentally and physically because it is both the body and the mind that need to be strong to have the balance as an athlete. It is important to enjoy and celebrate the success you earn but it is equally as important to embrace the less successful times. it is the learning you take from losing that makes you stronger and wiser. Win or Lose, still show sportsmenship to the others because it is important that no one loses their confidence and motivation.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Water Safety / Thinking Grid

L.I: To determine prior knowledge. 


It is important to be safe in the water for many reasons. Like you could drown, waves could push you, might have a broken down boat or it could be that you can’t swim. Learning about Water Safety is important in NZ because we are surrounded by water. One of the best things you can do if you are stranded in the middle of the ocean is to not panic, stay calm and float. 

For this activity I answered these questions by giving different reasons of What do you know about water safety?, How might you get into trouble in the water?, What do you do if you get into trouble in the water?, What advice would you give to a child under 6 to keep them safe when swimming?, Why is it important to be safe in the water? and Why is this really important for NZ kids? Learning about Water Safety is important in NZ because we are surrounded by water. A Water Safety fact is that one of the best things you can do if you are stranded in the middle of the ocean is to not panic, stay calm and float. It is important to learn about Water Safety in NZ because we are surrounded by water. I enjoyed learning different facts.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Mindfulness Reflection

Today we were focusing on Mindfulness. Mindfulness is like working on yourself, focusing on now, having a positive mindset, taking care of your body and many more. I've learnt about the Green Zone and the Red Zone, the Green and Red Zone are two different Zones/categories. The Red Zone is basically being uncalm, negative, fastrated and stressed. The Green Zone is being calm, focused, relaxed, balanced and peaceful. If you were in a bad situation do you think being in the Red Zone would help you? We have used the Mindfulness bell as we focused on our breathing. The Mindfulness bell helps you focus on breathing and calming down. Something I learnt about Mindfulness is that 'Mindfulness is a practice that pushes away negative thoughts and focuses on well being/mental health'.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Venn Diagram

L.I: To compare the past and present rules. 

For this reading activity we were tasked to compare the olympics rules from the past and the present using a venn Diagram. There was a big difference between the past olympic rules and the present. The rules that stayed the same was no shoving, no holding, no cutting of other racers. This task was interesting because I learnt new facts about the aincient olympics.


This week for reading we read a text called Poros of Malia. This text was about a man named Poros who competed in the sprints in the ancient olympics. Poros had won this event in the olympics prior so he had to win or they would have been made fun of. After we finished the text we answered a list of questions, by answering these question we got a better understanding of the story because it helped us remember the details and the main idea of the text.

Flow Charts & Radio Chat

 To understand how flowcharts relate to coding blocks.

To understand how to get the microbit to talk to another microbit using radio signals.

The next activity today was coding the microbit to send a radio signal to another microbit. We had to make sure that both microbits were on the same group number so we didn't accidentally get a message from another group.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


 LI: To recall our time tables faster

Today for maths we have recalled our multiplication knowledge by playing a game called Super Fingers. This is a game to see how well and how fast you can answer questions, by using dice. The instructions of this game is that we need to write a phrase on a white board or piece of paper. Then you will need to roll 2 dice which we will multiply by, and the first person to call out the answer will take one of the letters out. The first person to have all of the letters rubbed out will win the game. The process we did it in was similar to a netball game, draw, quarter finals, semi finals, and lastly finals. To run this competition smoothly we created a bracket which showed who will versus who. Our bracket was now even so later in the game we did a wild card who were Vayan and Micah. In pairs we challenged each other to see who was faster at answering the questions. The winner would go against the winner from another person. Whoever wins goes up against another winner, and it will keep going until there are two people left, which would be the finals. The two people facing each other in the finals were Afatia and Chris. I enjoyed doing this activity because it helped me recall my multiplication facts, and answer them faster.

Olympic Challenge 3

 L.I: To find out how many right angles are on an intire Badmanton Racket.

For this challenge I needed to find out how many right angles are on an intire Badmanton Racket. I worked coloborativly with Chris and Te Raumati. We used our times tables to solve our question. In the the video it tells you what we were trying to solve and how we did it. I enjoyed learning some of the easy ways to get my answer and I liked it how my group communicated with me so that I would understand more.

Olympic Challenge 2

 L.I: To find out "What was the Gold medal winners score? & By how much did Nastia score over the Bronze medalist".

For this challenge I needed to find out 'What was the Gold medal winners score? & By how much did Nastia score over the Bronze medalist?. I worked coloborativly with Te Raumati and Chris. We used Addition and Subtraction to get our answer. In the the video it tells you what we were trying to solve and how we did it. I enjoyed I understood what I was doing which made me get the answer correct in no time.

Olympic Challenge 1

 L.I: To find out how many strokes did Michael have to take in total for all of his events combined if Michael can propel himself 2 meters with each stroke? & how many meters did Michael swim for his gold medals?

For this challenge I needed to find out how many strokes did Michael have to take in total for all of his events combined if Michael can propel himself 2 meters with each stroke? & how many meters did Michael swim for his gold medals? I worked coloborativly with Afatia, Juel and Ong. We used Division and Addition to solve our question. In the the video it tells you what we were trying to solve and how we did it. I enjoyed learning more ways how to solve this question and it was very interesting because I learnt how to solve it in a way I've never done before.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021


 LI: to Create a DLO that shows both points of view as well as your own. 

We were tasked to make a DLO using provocation. A provocation is an action or speech that can show a powerful image in the reader’s mind.  For this task we picked an image from a site showing what it looks like after the olympics. We chose 5 to do the Bobsled venue in Sarajevo. The provocation was, Should host countries have to spend so much money on building Olympics venues? In our opinion we think that they shouldn’t have spent that much money, because they could have used it again so that they didn’t need to waste so much money, and if they did that they could save money and they could help the poor people. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Harvesting Food


Matariki is the Maori new year celebration. It takes places each year when the cluster of stars known as Matariki are seen in our skies. The new year is a time for new beginnings and is a time to embrace tradition. To strengthen our connections to Matariki we had a choice of research activities. This DLO is about what the Maori people Harvested in Matariki. During Matariki poeple collected Kumara, Potato's and more. They used tool's like the Ko, Toki and some other ones as well. I enjoyed this activity because I learnt lots about the Matariki history.

Matariki Stars

 L.I: To understand the meaning behind Matariki.

This week our focus was about Matariki, as it is the  on Wednesday is was the Matariki celebration. During this week we have had many different task about the Matariki celebration. Today we had three task to complete about the Matariki celebration. The first task was to find where we will see the matariki stars. The next task was about where in the sky is the Matariki stars and write where they are. The last task was about why does the matariki stars disappears in may and reappears in june. This task was fun because I got to learn more about the Matariki culture.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Coding in Phyton

 L.I : To Learn how to code the Microbot in the Phyton.

The first one shows the Phyton coding for flashing heart. It flashes between a small heart icon and a large heart Icon. The Main thing to notice between the Phython coding and the blocks is the the forevea loop is the top and bottom of the content in both. 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Organizing and Researching

 LI: To use our smart searching skills to expand our knowledge of Ancient Greek Mythology.


Today David shared the next reading challenge with us. It is all about the Greek gods and helps us to practise the skills we have been learning in our reading lessons with our teachers. David created this task as part of his CARE award challenges. In this smart searching activity, we used our comprehension and research skills to learn about Greek Mythology vocabulary and identify Greek places on the map. I found this activity interesting because I learnt about different places, people and more. The word/place I found most interesting was Sarpata because I learnt facts about it, like boys were encourraged to steal food and Sarpatan men were required to stay fit and ready to fight until the age of 60.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Greek Gods

 LI: To use our smart searching skills to find information about the Greek gods.

Today David shared his reading challenge with us. It is all about the Greek gods and helps us to practise the skills we have been learning in our reading lessons with our teachers. David created this task as part of his CARE award challenges. We earn CARE award badges in year 7 and 8 to show that we understand our school values. In this activity we used our smart searching skills to find information to help us complete the table. I found this activity interesting because I learnt a lot about the greek god and goddess. The Greek god I found most interesting was Ares "god of war" because he rides a Harley Davidson with sunglasses on and I'm pretty sure he looked cool.

Monday, June 28, 2021


   LI: To write an abstract noun scences poem.

Today me and my partner had a writing task with the whole classroom for Abstract Noun poems. Our task was to create a DLO of writing a poem using a  abstract noun. Abstract nouns are things that we can feel but we can't physically touch it. The 5 senses are sight, hearing, taste, smell and feel. First we had to pick a word from the list. And me and my group choose luxury. After we picked the word, we looked for a structure  in a example of given to us. After writing the poem we had to make a poem of us describing the word we have picken. We really enjoyed this activity, because it taught us how to create metaphors and poems, using abstract nouns. 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Rock Papaer Scissors

 L.I: To learn how to code the micro to play Rock Paper Scissors and understand how to flowchart matches the code.

  1. When we shake the micrbit. It will choes a random number betwen 1 and 3.
  2. I ahev to make a var called hand and set this to the random number.
  3. If the unmber is 1 the microbit will choses paper. 
  4. If the unmber is 1 the microbit will choses Rock. 
  5. If the unmber is 1 the microbit will choses scissors.  

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


  LI: To write an abstract noun scences poem.

Today we had a writing task with the whole classroom for Abstract Noun poems.In this activity we learnt how to understand what a metaphor is and how we use them writing.We worked in groups to collaborate this challenge and make into a powerful eye catching DLO. Something we found interesting about doing this task was that we could take our writing to another level we could use a lot of different language features it was a fun piece of writing.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Respect CARE Award | Activity 1

 L.I: Collate a collage showcasing life at PBS.

For today's CARE Award activity, I chose to showcased my life at PBS with pictures. I have been at Panmure Bridge ever since last year on March, but I was at this school in 2014 until I moved to a different school. Last year was a good start for me but it was a DISASTER as well. This year has started so well and I've remet some friends and cousins here at Panmure Bridge School. 2021 is starting off good, We had camp that was planned in two weeks by our fantastic teachers, SLJ celebration, Reading week and more fun things. I've enjoyed most of my days coming to school because, I get to see my teachers, friends and my cousins but mostly because school is where I learn and have fun at the same time. I hope there are more fun things coming ahead of us for LS2 this year.

Yes or No Evidence

 L.I: To consider both perspectives.

Today we were answering what happened if it is true or not  we wrote the evidence if it is true and the evidence if it is false. We picked a Maori story and added the evidence towards two POV’s (Point of View): True and False. Than we added our personal opinion on the story. 

Maui and The Sun - Main Ideas

 LI: To identify the main ideas in a text.

This week we are having a Te Reo Maori approach to reading. For our main ideas DLO we noted the key ideas in the text. Similar to summarising we noted the important ideas, the 4 very important ideas, then the 3 vital ideas. This DLO helped us get an understanding of the base ideas and the vital ideas of the text itself.

Title: The Te reo Maori Venn Diagram

 L.I: Find as many similarities and differences as you can between the video and the text of ‘The Beginning’.

This week we have been focusing on the start of the story ‘ Maui and the Sun’. We have written about the video version and the written version of ‘ Maui And The Sun. In the middle we have written what things do the Video and Written version have in common. I enjoyed this because we learnt the about the similarities of the Video version and the Written version.

The Te reo Maori Summary

 L.I: To explain in fewer words tha the text is about.

This week we are learning about Maori version of start of time. In this summary we talked about Rangitoto (The Sky) and Papatuanuku (The Earth). The beginning is about how the sky and the earth sheltered their children from the outside. For the summary we chose 20 important words related to the text. Then we chose 6 most important, after we used those words to create the summary in the DLO.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

PB4L Class Room Expectations

 L.I: To follow the rules and expectations, expected from teachers.

This weeks PB4L learning is about following classroom rules and expectations. PB4L is a acronym describing Positive Behavior for Learning. PB4L helps us understand the correct behavior for inside classroom learning and outer learning. This consist of Classroom discussions, walking to assembly, behaviour on school trips, wet day procedure eg. respecting wet day monitors. All of these prospects will help us develop a strong and healthy learning enviroment. I enjoyed this activity because now people can understand what the expectations are in the classroom. In LS2 we have expectations because it is a respectful way to say or do something in the classroom.

Attitude CARE Awards | Activity 5

L.I: Tutor someone who needs extra help with a skill.

Today for my last Attitude activity I chose to "Tutor someone who needs extra help with a skill". I helped Payton with her Reading DLO and I helped her complete it. On her DLO Payton was focusing on Cunrrent Events, she was researching about the Chocolate Frog that was found in New Guinea. Payton wrote When, Where, Why, What, Who & How to gather up all her information about her Current Event. I enjoyed this activity because when I help others, they can go and teach someone else about what they've learnt.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Main Ideas - New New Zealanders

L.I: To identify the main ideas in the text.

We were tasked to read a story called "New New Zealanders," it was about how a boy named Christian Kaka and his family seeked for a better life in New Zealand due to the war going on at Syria. After the story we were tasked to identify the main ideas in the text. For the Three Vital Ideas were Registered refugees can't be sent back to their country, The Refugees wanted people to know their story and many families moved to New Zealand because their country is to dangerous.

This activity was interesting because I found out what Syria is going through and that there are many problems outside of New Zealand.                                                                                                                                                                       


Sunday, June 6, 2021

Attitude CARE Award | Activity 4

 L.I: Create a video explaining why having a positive attitude is important.

Today I created this video with Fau, Hosea and Aisea. It is based on "Why having a positive attitude is important". Having a positive attitude is important because it sets a good mood for everyone and yourself. Fau, Hosea, Aisea and myself tried to figure out some ideas of "why having a positive attitude is imporant" and we thought why not ask eachother for our own opinions on that. As we shared our idea's, Fau (our fastest typer) typed it on a Google Doc for us to practise. It took us about five tries to make our video but we still managed to get it done in no time. I personally liked this challenge because it was funny to see all our bloopers and because anyone who watches this video will now understand the whole purpose of this.

Book Week

 L.I: To celebrate reading.

Panmure Bridge School had been celebrating book week this week. Everybody was encouraged to wear a costume or outfit of a book character of their choice. It was also samoan language week, our assembly was presented in english and samoan. It was great too see the many students and juniors who participated in book week and wore an outfit. I love how creative some people were! We also had Mr Goodin and Mrs White tell us their favorite stories. Some people also wore traditional samoan clothes as it is Samoan Language Week - Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa. 

I personally loved book week, the children of the junior school had been given the opportunity to showcase their favorite characters. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Student Led Conferences

 L.I: To share our learning with our families.

Last night, LS2 did their Student Conferences. I brought my mum into my class room and I showed her my work from this term and last term. I made a learning journey witch had a link to a peace of work from my Reading, Writing, Inquiry, Maths, Blog and the LS2 Site. My mum was proud to look at what I've been learning in LS2. I enjoyed telling my mum what I've been doing in class because its important for my mum to know if I've been doing the right thing or not and it's important to let my mum know that I'm a good student when I focus on my work.

Being a Jedi in Coding

L.I: To code the robot to move backwards without touching it - to be a jedi

 Star Wars: The Mandalorian - Baby Yoda Explained - Den of Geek

My robot will wait until i have pressed the onboard button before it does anything. We used an "IF - THEN - ELSE" block as this gives the robot two choices of things to do. We are using the ULTRASONIC  SENSORon the of the robot and we need to sense if something 10cm in front of it. IF something is 10cm or LESS in front of the robot , it will move backwards. IF something is NOT less han 10cm in the front of the robot, it wil move forwards (ELSE). This is all put into a forever block so that the robot constantly senses what is in front of it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Attitude CARE Award | Activity 3

 L.I: Research someone who has a positive attitude despite difficulties they have faced.

For today's CARE Award activity 3 I dicided to do a "Research someone who has a positive attitude despite difficulties they have faced". For this activity I chose to write about Mike Tyson because he's one of my favourite boxers. In 1992 Mike Tyson went to jail for rapist now he's back in the game and ready to box. If you want to learn more about Mike Tyson just read my DLO that I have made. I enjoyed this task because I work collaborativly with one of my class mates and we learnt different facts about Mike Tyson.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Samoan Language Week

 L.I: To pay it forward by creating a screencastify that teaches others how to use Samoan words and phrases.

This week is Samoan Language Week - Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa. The theme for 2021 is Poupou le lotoifale. Ola manuia le anofale which means strengthen the posts of your house, for all to thrive. In LS2 we have decided to value the measina of the language by creating a screencastify that teaches others how to use Samoan words and phrases. My partner and I chose to pay it forward by showing others how to say Hello and Goodbye in Samoan. I found this challenge challenging because some of the words were hard for me to pronounce.

Cinquain Poem

 L.I: To write a Cinquain Poem to describe a sports star.

We have been learning to write cinquain poems to help us strengthen our connections to description. A cinquain poem has 5 lines. Each line has a different purpose. Line 1 is a noun which is a name. Line 2 has 2 adjectives taht describe the noun. Line 3 has 3 verbs that end in ‘ing’ and describe the actions. Line 4 is a noun phrase which is a group of words (not a sentence) that go together to describe the noun. Line 5 is a synonym which is a word with a similar meaning to the noun. I enjoyed this activity because I found some interesting words that describe my Sports Star.

My Reading Pathway

L.I: To show my personal journey through books.

This week is book week at Panmure Bridge School, which means every class participates in a number of reading activities. One of our activities was to create a reading pathway that shows how my favourite books have changed over time. At the moment I like reading Comic books like Amulet because they are interesting and it helps me have fun while I read.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Attitude CARE Award | Activity 2

 L.I: Pay it forwards-your choice

For my second Attitude activity, I got to choose what I'd like to do. I chose to do a research on the NBA player "Kevin Durant". The reason why I wanted to do Kevin Durant is because he's one of my favourite basketball players and I like to play basketball as well. If you don't know Kevin Durant, he is a NBA player that now plays for the Brooklyn Nets, his Career is ofcource playing Basketball and he's good at what he does. I enjoyed this activity because it was fun researching bout Kevin Durant and because I found out interesting facts about him.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Polynesian Panthers

LI: To evaluate (form an opinion) the text and respond to provocation.

A provocation is a meaningful action or speech that strikes strong feelings about lawful and political topics. A provocation is something used with the purpose to make someone feel angry or upset but that is not the purpose of our DLO. Were  the Polynesian Panthers right to Protest against the actions of the Government? 

Polynesian Panthers was a group formed in 1971 by a group of university students and former gang members protesting for the Dawn Raids and Blitzes that had affected many of the Polynesian Community. Dawn Raids are raids that happened at dawn where police officers, government officials, and dog squads would raid the homes of Polynesian families and shine torches in the faces of many people no matter if they were elderly or little children police officers would ask for passports and ID if they were not shown then families who had all right to stay in New Zealand would be deported to there place of birth, this has caused trauma for many Polynesian people due to the traumatizing events that has taken place within there homes. Police officers would also go up to people who looked Pacific Islander and  would ask for passports and identifecations these racial acts were kown as “Blitzes”.We think that the Polynesian Panthers had all right to protest against the wrongful actions of the Government because families were being teared apart and deported and also being traumatized due to the Dawn Raids.  

Thursday, May 20, 2021

2021 PBS Soccer Game/ Attitude CARE Award | Activity 1

 L.I: To write about my soccer game on wednesday/ Represent the school at an inter-school competition.

On Wednesday, the year 7,8,5,6 & 4 students went to Madvils Farm to play Football against different schools. The girls team ( The team I was playing in ) was a 5 a side team, we first played against Stone Fields and won by 1-0, we then played against Ruapotoka school and the score was 0-0, we had another  game against Stone fields and we won by 3-0 then our last game was against Glenbre and the score was 0 - 0. We had a lot of fun working as a team , kicking the ball , showing sportsmanship and leadership in sports.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

ASB Getwise

L.I: To be wise with your money.

Today LS2 went to Getwise. Getwise is a fun lesson where you learn how to be wise and smart with your money. We were lucky to get Marlon from the ASB bank to come to PBS and teach us about saving and spending. We played a holiday game where each group had $1,800 and we had to spend it wisley as we imagined we were going on a trip to Fiji. Something I learnt from the ASB Getwise is to spend money you'l need to make sure you spend it wisley and for something that is usefull in life. I enjoed the ASB Getwise because it was interesting to learn the different ways to save my money.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

My Dream Is...

 L.I: To write down what my dream is in the future.

In this DLO it tells you what I want to do or acheive in the future. My biggest dream is to make sure that my parents live happily and to make sure that my siblings do as well but the thing I would like to do is play rugby as I grow older and older. For this acitivty I wrote what my dream is, How i'm going to achieve it, Why i'm inspired to do it and Why it's my dream. I enjoyed this acitivty because I got to say what I wanna say and because I would want my parents to read my opinion on what my dream is for the future.

Isaac Newton

 L.I: To learn about Isaac Newton.

This week in Reading, LS2 has been working towards Simple Machines. Apart of this, we were required to learn about Isaac Newton. Isaac Newton is a physicist, mathematician, theologian and a Astronomer. We were also required to create a DLO with the following questions: Why is his work important? What did he find out? How does his work connect to simple machines? I found this interesting because I learnt different science things about Isaac Newton and how he found gravity.

A Moment In Time Poem

 LI: To use the language features and structure of published poem to help use write our own poem.

We looked at the language features and structure of a poem called ‘A Moment in Time’ and used our experiences from camp to follow the structure and collaboratively create our own moment in time poem. To describe what we heard, what we saw, how we felt and what we wondered we used our senses, adjectives and adverbs. Ajectives are words like discribing something. Adverbs are like discribing someones actions. I found this interesting because we used different words that were more powerful than some normal words.


LI: To use powerful words to describe a setting so that it paints a clear picture in the mind of the reader.

  10 Word Challenge

You have 5 minutes to think of 10 words to describe this picture. I am only looking for words not phrases or sentences. You may NOT use the words purple, indigo, mauve, lilac or any other word that describes the colour

List your words here:

  • Undisturbed

  • Free

  • Peaceful

  • Landscape

  • Gentel

  • Silent

  • Calm

  • Magentic

  • Abstract 

  • View

  • Sight

  • Low Tide

  • River

A Divine landscape. As I look upon the view I can hear nothing but peacefulness. The river strives down as fast as a person jogging. The tide was getting lower and lower as if the water was gonna go away forever. Branches and leaves swaying in the air as if they had arms.


A setting is the place, time and environment of a story to help a reader make a connection to your narrative you need to use your words in away that helps them form a picture of what you are describing in their mind. To do this we looked at an image and thought of 10 words that described and showed what we could see. Once we had thought of the adjectives or adverbs we used our smart searching skills to help us find synoymns that made our descriptions clearer. I found this interesting because I got to be creative and I liked using Word hippo to find different words.