Thursday, May 13, 2021


LI: To use powerful words to describe a setting so that it paints a clear picture in the mind of the reader.

  10 Word Challenge

You have 5 minutes to think of 10 words to describe this picture. I am only looking for words not phrases or sentences. You may NOT use the words purple, indigo, mauve, lilac or any other word that describes the colour

List your words here:

  • Undisturbed

  • Free

  • Peaceful

  • Landscape

  • Gentel

  • Silent

  • Calm

  • Magentic

  • Abstract 

  • View

  • Sight

  • Low Tide

  • River

A Divine landscape. As I look upon the view I can hear nothing but peacefulness. The river strives down as fast as a person jogging. The tide was getting lower and lower as if the water was gonna go away forever. Branches and leaves swaying in the air as if they had arms.


A setting is the place, time and environment of a story to help a reader make a connection to your narrative you need to use your words in away that helps them form a picture of what you are describing in their mind. To do this we looked at an image and thought of 10 words that described and showed what we could see. Once we had thought of the adjectives or adverbs we used our smart searching skills to help us find synoymns that made our descriptions clearer. I found this interesting because I got to be creative and I liked using Word hippo to find different words.

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