Monday, June 28, 2021


   LI: To write an abstract noun scences poem.

Today me and my partner had a writing task with the whole classroom for Abstract Noun poems. Our task was to create a DLO of writing a poem using a  abstract noun. Abstract nouns are things that we can feel but we can't physically touch it. The 5 senses are sight, hearing, taste, smell and feel. First we had to pick a word from the list. And me and my group choose luxury. After we picked the word, we looked for a structure  in a example of given to us. After writing the poem we had to make a poem of us describing the word we have picken. We really enjoyed this activity, because it taught us how to create metaphors and poems, using abstract nouns. 


  1. Malo E Lelei Heavenly!

    Reading your poem gives me a clear understanding and picture in my head about anger. I can see that you have been working with someone to create your poem. I can see that you have used metaphors in your poem. Just a little bit of feedback for you, for the third sentence maybe you guys could add a commar in between 'ashes' and 'lingering', that would make it sound even better!

    Is there anything you think you could add or change in your poem?

    Great blogging!

    1. Thank you Fau for your feedback, No there wouldn't be anything I would change about my poem other than the feedback that you have given to me.

      What was your favourite line?

      Thank you again for the feedback.

