Thursday, June 24, 2021

Rock Papaer Scissors

 L.I: To learn how to code the micro to play Rock Paper Scissors and understand how to flowchart matches the code.

  1. When we shake the micrbit. It will choes a random number betwen 1 and 3.
  2. I ahev to make a var called hand and set this to the random number.
  3. If the unmber is 1 the microbit will choses paper. 
  4. If the unmber is 1 the microbit will choses Rock. 
  5. If the unmber is 1 the microbit will choses scissors.  

1 comment:

  1. Great job Heavenly!!

    Your work looks amazing I didn't know that you can play rock, paper, sissors, with a microbit I wish I had a microbit to play with. It really looks like you had fun making them how many times did you win in rock, paper, sissors against your friends and how many points did you play up to. Maybe I when I get a microbit I can verse my friends.
