Thursday, May 20, 2021

2021 PBS Soccer Game/ Attitude CARE Award | Activity 1

 L.I: To write about my soccer game on wednesday/ Represent the school at an inter-school competition.

On Wednesday, the year 7,8,5,6 & 4 students went to Madvils Farm to play Football against different schools. The girls team ( The team I was playing in ) was a 5 a side team, we first played against Stone Fields and won by 1-0, we then played against Ruapotoka school and the score was 0-0, we had another  game against Stone fields and we won by 3-0 then our last game was against Glenbre and the score was 0 - 0. We had a lot of fun working as a team , kicking the ball , showing sportsmanship and leadership in sports.

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