Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Olympic Challenge 1

 L.I: To find out how many strokes did Michael have to take in total for all of his events combined if Michael can propel himself 2 meters with each stroke? & how many meters did Michael swim for his gold medals?

For this challenge I needed to find out how many strokes did Michael have to take in total for all of his events combined if Michael can propel himself 2 meters with each stroke? & how many meters did Michael swim for his gold medals? I worked coloborativly with Afatia, Juel and Ong. We used Division and Addition to solve our question. In the the video it tells you what we were trying to solve and how we did it. I enjoyed learning more ways how to solve this question and it was very interesting because I learnt how to solve it in a way I've never done before.

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