Tuesday, December 29, 2020

SLJ - It's cool to be kind

 L.I: Screenshot a kind comment that you really like and also screenshot your reply.

Today I have completed this activity. My topic for this DLO is "Its cool to be kind" and so I went searching for a comment on my blog that I thought was nice, and screenshot it then also screenshot my reply as well. As you can see I have chosen "Fiona Rua's" comment, she is part of the SLJ team and I really liked her comment because her feedback was really kind and her comment was also very relatable to my task. In return I have replied to her comment and I have thanked her for commenting on my blog post. I really enjoyed making this DLO because as I was looking for a kind comment I found many many kind comments.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

SLJ - Te Huarere

 L.I: To create and complete a sentence in Te Reo Maori.

Today I have done a Te reo Maori activity. I have copied a Slide show with activities that I had to complete The thing I had to complete was the sentences that were in te reo maori and I had to fill in the blank spaces. In my last activity I created my own maori sentence, I didn't only do 1 but I did 3 sentences and I would like you to try it out. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to learn more words that are translated in a different culture and I got to explain and create my own activity as well.

SLJ - Kiwi Jingle Bells

L.I: To write my own Christmas jingle bells kiwi song.

For today's activity I have written my own Christmas jingle bells kiwi song. In my DLO I have added Christmas images for decoration. In my song I have included the beach and fish & chips because in New Zealand Christmas is a time where it is very hot and most people spend there Christmas at the beach. I have also included jingle bells, Santa and Santa's slay because it is all part of Christmas. I hope everybody enjoys my song and Merry Christmas To All.

SLJ - Treasure Code

 L.I: To create your own code and clue of a cave and where it is.

In this activity it is a code. This is not just a code but it is a cipher clue. I have added images of the different letter codes so that you can try figure out the what I have spelt. If you figure out what I have spelt, search t up and you will see what an amazing cave it really is. I Really enjoyed this activity because I got to search up many different caves and the cave that I have choose to do, I've been there before. Hope you enjoy my activity.

Monday, December 21, 2020

SLJ - Hanakoko

L.I: To create my own Santa costume.

Today's task for Summer Learning Journey I made a new design for Santa's costume. During this task I first made my costume then secondly I made traced my the Nike logo and that was pretty much everything I had to do to make this costume. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to create my own Santa costume the way I wanted too and it was really fun to be creative in my own way.

Friday, December 18, 2020

SLJ - Insect Art

 L.I: To create an insect out of pieces of trees, leaves and many more nature. 

This activity was me creating my own insect. I tried to make a insect but it didn't work so I choose to make an animal 'Turtle'. To make this animal I used one 'Taro leave' and drew the shapes that I was using for my turtle. After that I connected all of the pieces together, for my shell I also used the 'Taro leave' but I flipped it the other way so that it can stand out. To make my shell stay up I halved a small stick and put it underneath in a X shape. This is how I created my insect (animal) Art. I really enjoyed this activity because I found many different ways to make any animal or insect.

SLJ - Which one doesn't belong

 L.I: To say which image doesn't belong and why?

This DLO was an activity that shows images and I had to write down my responds which were why and which image doesn't belong or match with the others. During this activity it got harder and harder but I think I still managed to pass it. This slide show was a very fun activity to do because at the end of my slide show I have made my own decision of pictures and anyone that see's my blog can try it out. 

SLJ - Rise Up

 L.I: To create my own song chorus.

For this activity I was able to write my own chorus. My chorus is about teamwork and friendship. I chose to write my chorus like this because at school to make my learning fun, I like collaborating with my friends, finishing my work and of course getting free time. I really had enjoyed writing this chorus because I got to write a chorus that ryhmes and because I got to share and tell my way of having fun when I'm learning.

SLJ - Haiku Poem

 L.I: To write my own a haiku summer poem.

Today I've been working on this DLO. In this DLO I made my own haiku summer poem and I also showed some images of what my summer might look like. The first sentence is 5 syllables, the second sentence is 7 syllables and the last sentence is again 5 syllables. A haiku poem is when you can write a poem but you have to write it in how many syllables you are given. I really enjoyed making this DLO because I didn't really know what a haiku poem was but now I've learnt many facts about it.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

SLJ - Optical Illusion

 L.I: Create my own Optical Illusion.

Today I've completed an activity and this DLO is an Optical Illusion one. For the DLO I chose to find one and trace it. If you look at this optical illusion, you'll see two animals, a Bird and a Rabbit. This activity was quite fun because as I searched for optical illusion, I got to see many different ones and it was really tricky and hypnotising. Good luck on trying to find the two animals!!!

SLJ - Kowhaiwhai Pattern

L.I: To create my own kowhaiwhai pattern and to tell others about Tanerore.

Today I have been working on this DLO. The kowhaiwhai pattern is part of the activity that I have been doing, It represents the love of nature and the air that waves through aotearoa.  Tanerore the son of Tama-nui-te-ra and is the role of glistening air as he performs a haka for his mother Hine-raumati. Tanerore is the re presenter of the hot sun. Moari suspect that when the sun is shinning and really hot, then you can see Tanerore doing the haka for his mother. As the air shines and waves it joins memories of quaver hand actions.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Christmas Game

L.I: To create a digital board game for the juniors 

This week we designed digital board games with a Christmas theme to play with the junior students. To play the game successfully they will need to read and follow the instructions, then use their counting skills to move around the board. Today we showed our Year 4 students how to make their own games. making this was fun because we made these for our younger kids.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Decorating The Tree

 L.I: To decorate the tree in the office with our handmade decorations.

This Term LS2 was working on our sewing. We got to pick our holiday decoration and I chose a Palm tree with a pineapple sewed onto it, my other one was the chinese ying and yang and the last one was a tongan flag. We chose to hang them on the Christmas tree. Today most of the LS2 students have finished their sewing so we went to hang them on the tree we first went to the office where the tree was then when we got there we were talking with Mr Jonhstion (our client) about our holiday decorations and how they look and that if we had any thing we would do differently next time. Then we stood up one by one to hang our holiday decoration on the tree. This was fun and cool looking and we put our holiday decorations on the christmas tree.

Te Reo Maori word of the day

L.I: Creating a DLO about a Te reo maori word.

In LS2, today I was working on a Te Reo Maori DLO. This DLO is when you pick a maori word then write what in means in english. After that, I wrote facts about my te reo maori word. The word I chose was 'Whanganui' and in english it means 'Big Harbour'. As you can see in my DLO there are a bunch of facts about how long it takes to get there, what is whanganui, why is it called whanganui and many more facts. I really enjoyed making this DLO because I can show and tell people about different te reo maori words.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Operation Christmas Drop

 LI: To write a summary of the story behind the Operation Christmas Drop in your own words.

For the last 68 years the men and women of the US air force who are based at Andersen Air force Base in Guam have been using a pilot training drill to drop much needed supplies to the people who live on the 50 remote islands that surround Guam. Today in LS2 we have been researching the Operation Christmas Drop. It is a tradition that started in 1952, with the help of many people donating money and volunteering to help wrap the presents to send to Guam , the air force Men & Women have been going around to 50 different islands and countries to drop off supplies in large crates that land with a parachute. It started off as an training exercise for the air force men & women to practise taking food supplies to there troops but then it began to be the longest US civil defence in the world. Something I have learnt and found interesting is that when they make the presents is that they use the same size boxes for all the presents. Doing this was fun and cool to learn what the US Air force is doing for Islands that are unfortunate to get things that we have and how the community is helping with this Operation. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Illustrated Story

LI: To write a pourquoi (tell me why or how) story that paints a picture in the mind of the reader.

Our challenge this week was to create a porquoi story that we would illustrate and share with our junior classes. A porquoi story tells us why something is the way it is. Our story tells why/how… This morning we shared our stories with Room 2 and Room 4, and they loved listening to them. I enjoyed doing this story because I got to work collaboratively with my friends and were very creative with our animated story.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Design Technology Challenge

L.I: To design and make a holiday decoration that fits the client brief.


This week, The LS2 students designed and created Holiday Decorations to hang on the christmas tree. We started off  by asking questions to our client  Mr johnston then we created a DLO(Brainstorm, mood board) with the information that Mr jontsthon gave us we did this DLO to understand what we are going to make and to see how many materials that we are going to use . The materials LS2 used were felt, thread, cotton, needles and many more but before we started on creating our designs we practiced how to do blanket stitching and running stitch so that we can get the hang of sewing. Some of the holidays people chose were Hanukkah, Dewali, Christmas and more. My decoration  that I made was a palm tree with a pineapple sewed onto it, my second one was a chinese ying and yang and my last one was a tongan flag. I’ve been working hard on these decorations and so had the rest of LS2. I really enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to do new things and even though I had some accidents with the needle I still had fun creating my decorations.