Monday, March 1, 2021

Sporcle Challenge

 L.I: To create a DLO about the Sporcle Challenge.

This DLO is about the Sporcle Challenge. The Sporcle Challenge is the quiz game where you can choose your own subject such as baseball and it will ask you questions about baseball. There is a timer that will time you and when the timers finish a percent number will pop up and that's your score for how far you got in the sporcle challenge. In this DLO in tells you more of what I enjoyed about this sporcle challenge and what was challenging about this challenge. Something I enjoyed about this activity was that it was fun answering the question.


  1. Hi Heavenly
    This challenge sounds like a lot of fun. I like how you can choose your own subject and having to race the timer makes it more challenging. Well Done for getting 83 percent correct. Keep up the good work.

    1. Hi Mrs Linda,
      Thank you for complimenting my Sporcle DLO.
