Thursday, March 18, 2021

Celebrating The Summer Learning Journey

 L.I: To celebrate our PBS Summer Learning Journey Participants.

The 2020  to 2021 SLJ Competition was a huge part of Panmure Bridge School to keep our learning going over the summer holidays. All of the SLJ activities were really fun to do like the challenges that were set from Nano girl. Today PBS got to celebrate the people who participated in the SLJ activities. Lots of students from PBS participated in the SLJ challenge, most of the student got an award and some of them got really cool prizes from Mrs Grant and Miss Paleti. We were very lucky to get Mrs Grant and Miss Paleti to hand out the prizes and awards. Congratulations to Sakshi for Top Blogger, Top Comnenter and The Top Blogger for Manaiakalani. I was one of the students who participated in the SLJ and Thanks to Miss Paleti for luckily picking out my name to win a speaker. Congratulations to all the students who Participated in the SLJ challenge.

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