Wednesday, March 3, 2021


 LI: to give a helpful tip to people who are starting with Chromebooks. 

For this task , I decided to work with my friends. This task was about creating an DLO about Cybersmart. We first started off by introducing what Cybersmart is? We then introduced how to work google meets and what you should do in a google meet. After we created an another slide showing tips and shortcuts on knowing how to use our laptop correctly. I really enjoyed working with my group and helping other understand the safety reasons on being cybersmart.  I also liked writing what I knew about cybersmart , Did you know that cybersmart is also all about being safe online and choosing the right choices online.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heavenly

    What a great DLO with some very important messages. I really like your slide about how to join a Google Meet. That will be really helpful to our new and younger students. Superb collaboration and well done to you all for creating such a clearly laid out DLO.

    Mrs Anderson
