Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Confidence CARE Award | Activity 1

As apart of completing this task I have ran a class fitness game.
Two weeks ago I ran a fitness game with my class room LS2. Me and my class mate Afa played Corner Ball with our class. Corner Ball is a game where there are two taggers with a ball and the rest have to restrain from getting hit by the ball. 

The twist to this game is the taggers can not run with the ball but they can only pass it to tag the opponent. This activity was very fun to teach and for everyone to enjoy. My favourite part about this game was being one of the people to dodge the opponent because I was very skilled at it.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

My Tidy Google Drive (Cybersmart)

 L.I: How to keep my Google Drive tidy.

For this cybersmart task, we created a slide helping John clean his google drive. First we placed John’s different DLO’s into the right folder then we cleaned our own google drive. Next we had to put a red circle over the DLO that is not titled or if it has nothing in it. After that we took a photo of our clean machine google drive to show others what their google drive should look like and how it should be. The purpose of this task is to show everyone where and why to put their DLO’s in different folders so that it's easy to find.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Celebrating The Summer Learning Journey

 L.I: To celebrate our PBS Summer Learning Journey Participants.

The 2020  to 2021 SLJ Competition was a huge part of Panmure Bridge School to keep our learning going over the summer holidays. All of the SLJ activities were really fun to do like the challenges that were set from Nano girl. Today PBS got to celebrate the people who participated in the SLJ activities. Lots of students from PBS participated in the SLJ challenge, most of the student got an award and some of them got really cool prizes from Mrs Grant and Miss Paleti. We were very lucky to get Mrs Grant and Miss Paleti to hand out the prizes and awards. Congratulations to Sakshi for Top Blogger, Top Comnenter and The Top Blogger for Manaiakalani. I was one of the students who participated in the SLJ and Thanks to Miss Paleti for luckily picking out my name to win a speaker. Congratulations to all the students who Participated in the SLJ challenge.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Tech Reflection

L.I: To create a plan for my wood work.

Today we did tech we were building our creations I was building a race car. We also learnt about measurements. Mr Grundy showed us how to do measurements he also showed us how to build cars and other stuff. Mr Grundy was really funny he told us what to do and how to do it. We all enjoyed it so much Mr Grundy made it really fun I cant wait to finish our creations.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Puaki Summary

 L.I: To write H.O.T questions.

This week our group did reciprocal reading. The text we read was Puaki. The text was informing us about the importance and the stories behind a Ta-Moko. In the text there were four origins of four people explaining how and why they got their ta-moko. In our reciprocal reading each person of the group was assigned a role, a clarifier, A questionnaire, A predictor, a summariser and the leader. When each page was read each person would do their role (e.g: predictor predicts next page). While doing this we were tasked at creating HOT (Higher Order Thinking) Questions part of the text.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Ko wai ahau?


Malo e lelei, Ko hoku hingoa ko Heavenly. I am a year 8 student and I’m in LS2. I am full Tongan and I have over 8 siblings. I play sports like Rugby/ Turbo touch/ Tag, Basketball and Volleyball. My favorite actors are D.C.Young Fly, Will Smith and Kevin Hart. I am a September Virgo. My favorite drink is Otai and my favorite food is Lusipi with Manioke. The number one person that inspires me is my Dad.

Thursday, March 4, 2021


L.I: To explain what you have to do when there is an emergency.

This PB4L DLO it tells you what to do in a emergency like a fire. For this DLO I worked collaboratively with my friends and we helped each other write. This task was fun to do because it will be helpful for people that wouldn't know what to do in an emergency. In this slideshow I tells you about what to do when you want to go out of the class, what to do when the teacher calls the emergency roll and many more important facts that will help you and everyone else stay safe.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


 LI: to give a helpful tip to people who are starting with Chromebooks. 

For this task , I decided to work with my friends. This task was about creating an DLO about Cybersmart. We first started off by introducing what Cybersmart is? We then introduced how to work google meets and what you should do in a google meet. After we created an another slide showing tips and shortcuts on knowing how to use our laptop correctly. I really enjoyed working with my group and helping other understand the safety reasons on being cybersmart.  I also liked writing what I knew about cybersmart , Did you know that cybersmart is also all about being safe online and choosing the right choices online.

Outside the Box

 L.I: To think outside the box, be creative and complete the picture.

This challenge was about thinking outside the box and being creative. For this challenge I needed to create a picture with this squiggly line. For this Outside of the Box art I chose to draw Shoes. Out of all the shoes, I chose to draw the Air Force 1's and the Air Max 97. If you read the two boxes in my DLO, it tells you where I put the squiggly line. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to be creative in my own way and I liked using all the different colours. My favourite part about this challenge was the ending results of my drawing.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Sporcle Challenge

 L.I: To create a DLO about the Sporcle Challenge.

This DLO is about the Sporcle Challenge. The Sporcle Challenge is the quiz game where you can choose your own subject such as baseball and it will ask you questions about baseball. There is a timer that will time you and when the timers finish a percent number will pop up and that's your score for how far you got in the sporcle challenge. In this DLO in tells you more of what I enjoyed about this sporcle challenge and what was challenging about this challenge. Something I enjoyed about this activity was that it was fun answering the question.

Optical Illusion

L.I: To create an optical illusion


After using our smart searching skills to find out what optical illusions are we were challenged to create our own optical illusions, For this task My group and I worked collaboratively and shared our ideas onto learning how to create an Optical Illusion. We then wrote what it is  and what our optical Illusion shows and what it means. For this optical Illusion we created it by using the drawing tools. Something I enjoyed about this activity was that it was fun learning and seeing all the different optical illusions.