Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Camp Collage

 L.I: To create collage of your camp highlights.

This week LS2 have been celebrating our camp. I created this collage to show my time at camp and the activities I enjoyed. To make my collage effective I thought about the size of the images, the angle of the images and I tried hard not to leave any gaps between the photos. I found this activity interesting because I got to look at all the photos and some of them were funny to look at. It was a great way of showing everyone about what I did at camp with everyone else.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heavenly

    I really liked your blog post about your camp collage.
    When you were at camp did you take risks and complete all the activties?
    Something you could do next time is fill in some of the gaps with more photos, other then that you did a good job.

    Keep up great work!

