Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Confidience CARE Award | Activity 2

 LI: To teach a small group of juniors how to play a game. 

For this CARE Activity I chose to complete 'to teach a small group of juniors how to play a game'. The game I taught the group of juniors was Duck Duck Goose and Ball Rush. The rules of Duck Duck Goose is everyone gets into a circle, one person goes around the circle and taps peoples head saying Duck but if they tap you and say Goose, you'll have to get up and try tag you before they sit down and take your spot. Also the rules for Ball Rush is theres two taggers and the rest are deffenders, the tagger will have to try tag you, when you get tagged you have to stay still where you were tagged until the game ends. I taught a little group of sudents from Room 6 how to play these games. They all willingly participated the game I taught them.

This activity was really fun because I got the chance to teach a game to the little students and all of us had a good time.

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