Wednesday, April 7, 2021

5 Minutes of Camp

 LI: To recount a 5 minute snapshot of one experience you had at camp.

My Amazing Risk It’s time! Time for me to finally take the risk of my life. Lining up with my group as we walked down a little, muddy, slippery row of stairs to get to our destination. Sitting down listening to the important rules that came out of the instructors mouth, making me feel sick and afraid. How can I be feeling like this and I haven't even taken a risk yet? It was my turn to finally face the scary vertical wooden pole called the ‘High Beam’. I thought I had all the confidence I needed until I realised that I was standing in front of the ladder getting ready to take my first step. Taua was holding the ladder, I looked at him hoping that he was holding the ladder still. I took a deep breath before I took my left foot and started climbing the ladder rung by rung. Everything's shaking and in my head I’m telling myself I can’t do it but I had to take the risk. Making my way up the ladder as I got to the last step of the ladder I took a deep breath and thought I can do this! Taking my first step as I go higher onto the first staple that is attached to that huge vertical pole. Going higher and higher I reached to the top and I bravley balanced on my two legs with only three people holding me by a rope. I took my first step along the beam and started walking thinking that I was gonna fall. My legs started to shake but I had to carry on, finally making it to the end of the beam hugging the pole and not letting go. Almost done, almost done I kept telling myself as I was trying to finish completing the high beam. Letting go of the pole as I start walking to the middle of the beam. I thought to myself, ‘Phew’ I completed the high beam but then I realised I was still not finished, I had to get down to the ground. I looked down, which made it worse, trying my best not to cry as I leaned back getting ready to come back down onto the ground. To me this was scarier than climbing the pole. Taking me three to five tries to lean back so that the instructor could lead me down, I kept thinking I was going to fall. Leaning back and taking that one big risk, I did it! I took the risk and finally accomplished my goal. I am proud of myself for being a risk taker. Heavenly. U

Last week we went to camp at Kokako Lodge. My 5 minute snapshot shows my personal voice and I have tried hard to paint a picture with my words to describe what I was doing and how I felt. I found this activity fun and interesting because I got to write about the scariest activity to me and I got to express my feelings about how I felt Before and After I took my risk and completed the activity.

1 comment:

  1. Malo e Lelei Heavenly

    Your blog was amazing.
    On a scale of 1 to 10 how hard was it to do the activities?

    Good work

