Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Scientist Research: Geology Mary Anning

 L.I: To create a DLO about a Geology Scientist.

For this DLO I worked by myself and it just tells you who Mary Anning is. For this DLO I wrote information about who Mary Anning is and what was she famous for and I also wrote some interesting facts about about Mary Anning as well. when I created this DLO the part I enjoyed the most was learning fun facts about Mary Anning and my favourite fact is that Mary Anning taught herself to do things. The hardest part about creating this DLO was that I had to try put the information I researched in my own words.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heavenly
    You have created a very imformative DLO. I like that you told us that Mary Anning taught herself to do most things, she achieved such alot in quite a short life. I think she was a very inspirational woman, what do you think? You did a great job putting the information in your own words.
    Well Done
