Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Flood Information

 L.I: To make a DLO about information for when there is a flood.

I made this slide show with my buddy and in this slide show it tells you what to do when there is a flood. A flood is when one whole destination gets covered up with water. In a flood you can swim or drive somewhere safe but you should never walk in the flood and the reason why you should never walk in a flood is because if the flood has fast moving water it can knock you over and it can cause injuries, you could drown or it could lead you to death. This DLO was made to keep people safe and healthy.


  1. Hello Heavenly great work on your DLO about flooding, it is very informative. Keep up the good work.

  2. Hi Heavenly
    Your slide show contains some really helpful information. Making a plan and getting to know your neighbours is a really good thing to do to help keep you and your family safe. Your slide made me think about what I would do in a flood and your advice that you should never walk in a flood was really important. It's good to know that Civil Defence is there to help.
    Great work
