Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Careers/ Sportsperson

 L.I: To write what we need to study for our "Career".

In this DLO it shows what I will need to study about being a sportsperson. My career pathway follows through the important things I need to do, for inspiration my career I chose was a "sportsperson" so that means I will need to learn how to play sport and not only one but maybe all of them, I will need to study about the skills and drills and in school it would be a good chance to get a scholarship and graduate. 

The part I found hard about this DLO was when I got confused if a sportsperson was a sport player, a coach or maybe both but I figured out that a sportsperson is an athlete. The part I learnt about my career as a sportsperson is that playing sport or being a sportsperson helps you to control your emotions and it also helps improve your skills in sport.

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