Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Making Choices

 L.I: To create a DLO about what emergency service you would join and how would they help if there was a natural disaster.

In this DLO I created it shows and tells you what choice I've made about what emergency service I would join if I had a choice and I chose the New Zealand police because I would want to take care of New Zealand (Aotearoa). My DLO talks about how is the New Zealand helpful when it comes to a natural disaster. While making this DLO I learnt that the New Zealand police have to past exams to get there career(job). The New Zealand police are here to protect us and they are here to keep us safe from danger.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Flood Information

 L.I: To make a DLO about information for when there is a flood.

I made this slide show with my buddy and in this slide show it tells you what to do when there is a flood. A flood is when one whole destination gets covered up with water. In a flood you can swim or drive somewhere safe but you should never walk in the flood and the reason why you should never walk in a flood is because if the flood has fast moving water it can knock you over and it can cause injuries, you could drown or it could lead you to death. This DLO was made to keep people safe and healthy.

Monday, August 24, 2020

How to stay safe from a Flood

L.I: To create a DLO about how to stay safe from a flood.

In this DLO it talks about how to stay safe in a flood. A flood is when water covers the whole outside of a place. In my DLO I had to write steps of how to keep safe when you are caught up in a flood. I wrote how to say safe and I drew about it too. My favourite part of creating this DLO was that I learnt new facts about the flood and the challenging part was that I kept having to start again when I was tracing.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Natural Disaster Research / Flood

 L.I: To research about a natural disaster "Floods".

For this task, Liletina and I worked together and found information about a Natural Disaster, The Natural Disaster we picked was a Flood, I really liked reading information about the floods because some of the information were important for safety. I really liked working with my buddy because we shared our Ideas and found out interesting facts and information.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Scientist Research: Geology Mary Anning

 L.I: To create a DLO about a Geology Scientist.

For this DLO I worked by myself and it just tells you who Mary Anning is. For this DLO I wrote information about who Mary Anning is and what was she famous for and I also wrote some interesting facts about about Mary Anning as well. when I created this DLO the part I enjoyed the most was learning fun facts about Mary Anning and my favourite fact is that Mary Anning taught herself to do things. The hardest part about creating this DLO was that I had to try put the information I researched in my own words.

Scientist research: Biology "Charles Darwin"

 L.I: To create a DLO of a Biology Scientist

In this DLO it shows you about a biology scientist Charles Darwin. I had to find out information about him and I had to put it in the my own words. I wrote some facts about who Charles Darwin is and I wrote some information as well. The challenging part about creating this DLO was that it was hard to believe that Charles Darwin had 10 children and the most fun part about creating this DLO was that I found out a lot of interesting information about Charles Darwin.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Scientist Research: Chemistry "Marie Curie"

 L.I: To find out about a "Chemistry Scientist".

I and my buddy worked together to get this task done. I really liked sharing my ideas and telling my buddy what I know about Marie Curie. We wrote interesting facts and wrote information about Marie Curie. We explained who she is,The most interesting fact I learned was that she was the first woman to win the noble prize.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Physics DLO (Albert Einstein)

 L.I: To create a DLO about a Physics Scientist from the past.

For this task, My group worked together to find the information about Albert Einstein, My group decided  to do Albert Einstein, We used our searching skills to find facts that you may not know about him , We also used our knowledge to write information about him. I really enjoyed working with my group because we shared our ideas and what we think we should put in our DLO.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Fitness Hit Challenge

 L.I: To create our own fitness challenge.

This week my group worked together to complete this task, This task helps you with fitness while at home, The 2 fitness skills we picked were High knees and Lunges, We picked these two because it help us with our legs and to help our muscles in our legs.In this DLO, We also explained what are lunges and high knees and what they do.   Today I learned What lunges do and what they do to help us with our legs.  Today I learned How High knees works and what it those to help us with our legs, and it helps us with our calves and quads.It also helps us with our balance and to improve your balance. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Careers/ Sportsperson

 L.I: To write what we need to study for our "Career".

In this DLO it shows what I will need to study about being a sportsperson. My career pathway follows through the important things I need to do, for inspiration my career I chose was a "sportsperson" so that means I will need to learn how to play sport and not only one but maybe all of them, I will need to study about the skills and drills and in school it would be a good chance to get a scholarship and graduate. 

The part I found hard about this DLO was when I got confused if a sportsperson was a sport player, a coach or maybe both but I figured out that a sportsperson is an athlete. The part I learnt about my career as a sportsperson is that playing sport or being a sportsperson helps you to control your emotions and it also helps improve your skills in sport.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Life Education

L.I: To learn the safety's with the Life Ed.

At PBS we had the life education van. Our teacher Nicole helped us learn what effects our body in a bad and good way. Drugs such as cigarettes, Vapes and alcohol are the drugs that can effect you really bad. Cigarettes can make your lungs black and vaping for too long can make you cancer. We got to scan one of our class mates and it was kind of interesting. Our group were finding ideas of what Kupi should do to be a good role model.

Science | Main Ideas

L.I To find the three most vital ideas from the information to help us find the answer “What is science?”. 

This week our reading topic is science. We watched a video which helped us understand what science is. While watching the video, we took notes, by selecting and rejecting the information. We used the information to identify the three most vital ideas. We shared our ideas amongst each other and negotiated on where to put the information on, whether it was 4 very important ideas or three most vital ideas. We also collaborated and respected each other's opinions for this activity.

We think the three most vital ideas are:
  1. Science is an answer and has the power to destroy and heal.
  2. Science includes physics, chemistry and biology.
  3. Science is discovering new things.

Science/ Summarising

L.I: To summarise the information.

This week for our reading topic (science), we created a summary using the information from our post it notes. In our summary, we skimmed and scanned to find the important keywords. We also shared our ideas and collaborated to create our summary. For our next activity, we used a question dice to help us create three interesting questions that we wanted to research. We all worked together in these activities.

The three most interesting questions are:

  • When was science discovered? 

  • Why is science important?

  • How is science different from the past to today?