Tuesday, June 16, 2020


L.I: To read the information in the text, think about what you have read and form an opinion.

In this DLO Kakapo (reading group) has worked together to find out information about the Polynesian Panthers. During this activity I have learnt that Polynesian panthers were people from the pacific islands that protested for being treated unequally and to stop police from dawn raiding their houses because of the over stayers. In this activity we were able to find important events linked to the Dawn raids such as the Polynesians panthers getting dawn raided. As we did that we carried on with the second part witch ask us to pick witch two events were the most important to us and we asked some questions on the parts we we did not know about.

 To finish off with our activity, in our own opinion we had to say if we thought the Polynesian panthers had the right protest and I said yes because they have been separated from their families, people have been racist about their skin colour and no one should be surprised early in the morning just to be deported back to where they came from.

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