Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Summary Customised Shoes

 LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about.

This summary is about a sneaker artist named Rangi-Haira Jaxon Greening. He customises his own shoes and sends them around the world to people who wanna buy them. He is now trying to make a living out of designing sneakers, 'I never thought I'd get to this point' he says. His art works on different pair of sneakers are stunning. My challenge here was to write down 20 important words from a article I read and then from those 20 words, I picked 6 most important words. Out of those 6 modt important words I used them to make a short paragraph about Rangi-Haira Jaxon Greening. Something I found interesting is that Rangi-Haira Jaxon Greening started this as a hobby and now is making a living out of it.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Recreating Famous Artworks

 LI: To use Google Draw to recreate a famous artwork.

LI: To use your knowledge of colour and colour mixing to replicate the colours used in the artworks.

This week we have been learning about famous artworks and colour mixing. The artwork I chose was 'The Mona Lisa' by Leonardo da Vinci. This artwork was painted in 1503. It was painted because the lady in the painting 'Lisa del giocondo' was giving birth to her second son and it was to celebrate her families new home as well. Today it can be found in the Louvre Museum, Paris. I enjoyed this challenge because I learnt new facts about the painting and about who painted it.

Sunday, August 29, 2021


LI: To define the terms and understand the properties of 2D shapes.

Our challenge today was to find the definitions of a 2D shape then draw the shape. I chose to draw my own/use the shapes tool because it will help me show you the way I see and understand it. I found this interesting because it was a bit of something new but at the same time I knew what I was doing. I liked this challenge because I got to show my way of understanding the different degrees.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Goodbye Hello Poem

 L.I: To write a list poem that describes a topic by painting a picture of opposites with your words.

For writing, me and my brother created our own Goodbye Hello Poem. A Goodbye Hello Poem is when you pick a topic like 'Lockdown' and then in a specific way, you write what you miss and what you don't miss before lockdown started. I think this is my second time writing one of these poems.  I enjoyed writing this poem because it was kind of creative and really fun to write.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

List Poem

 L.I: Create a listing poem about any poem.

For writing, me and my brother created our own list poem. A List poem is listing different things that link to the topic your writing about, for example we did 'The annoying things my brother/sister does. This poem was something different and it was my first time writing one of these. I enjoyed writing this poem because it was funny and at the same time me and my brother mocked each other #another thing we do to annoy each other. Someone who reads this and has siblings might be able to relate.

Sunday, August 15, 2021


 L.I: To draw and label your own Hauora diagram

In order to be able to perform at their best athletes need to have a four walls of the whare tapawha standing. We created this poster to show what each wall represents and why it is important. I found out that if you arn't feeling really happy and one of your walls fall down, that means every other wall will fall aswell unless you pick yourself up and keep pushing yourself to be positive. I enjoyed making this poster because other people can read it and learn how to win without shoving it in other peoples faces.

Ancient Olympic Games Presentation

LI: To skim and scan to find facts about the Ancient Olympics and make notes in my own words.

We used our reading time this week to find out about the Ancient Greek Olympics. Once we had made our notes and reorganised our information we collaboratively created a presentation. I found out that if married women were caught in the olympic stadium then they would get thrown off Mt Olympis. I enjoyed this because I got to find out interesting information like the different sports they did in the ancient time.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Hauora and Olyimpians

L.I: To show our understanding of Hauora in context.

Athletes at the top of their field train mentally and physically because it is both the body and the mind that need to be strong to have the balance as an athlete. It is important to enjoy and celebrate the success you earn but it is equally as important to embrace the less successful times. it is the learning you take from losing that makes you stronger and wiser. Win or Lose, still show sportsmenship to the others because it is important that no one loses their confidence and motivation.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Water Safety / Thinking Grid

L.I: To determine prior knowledge. 


It is important to be safe in the water for many reasons. Like you could drown, waves could push you, might have a broken down boat or it could be that you can’t swim. Learning about Water Safety is important in NZ because we are surrounded by water. One of the best things you can do if you are stranded in the middle of the ocean is to not panic, stay calm and float. 

For this activity I answered these questions by giving different reasons of What do you know about water safety?, How might you get into trouble in the water?, What do you do if you get into trouble in the water?, What advice would you give to a child under 6 to keep them safe when swimming?, Why is it important to be safe in the water? and Why is this really important for NZ kids? Learning about Water Safety is important in NZ because we are surrounded by water. A Water Safety fact is that one of the best things you can do if you are stranded in the middle of the ocean is to not panic, stay calm and float. It is important to learn about Water Safety in NZ because we are surrounded by water. I enjoyed learning different facts.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Mindfulness Reflection

Today we were focusing on Mindfulness. Mindfulness is like working on yourself, focusing on now, having a positive mindset, taking care of your body and many more. I've learnt about the Green Zone and the Red Zone, the Green and Red Zone are two different Zones/categories. The Red Zone is basically being uncalm, negative, fastrated and stressed. The Green Zone is being calm, focused, relaxed, balanced and peaceful. If you were in a bad situation do you think being in the Red Zone would help you? We have used the Mindfulness bell as we focused on our breathing. The Mindfulness bell helps you focus on breathing and calming down. Something I learnt about Mindfulness is that 'Mindfulness is a practice that pushes away negative thoughts and focuses on well being/mental health'.