Saturday, May 29, 2021

Attitude CARE Award | Activity 2

 L.I: Pay it forwards-your choice

For my second Attitude activity, I got to choose what I'd like to do. I chose to do a research on the NBA player "Kevin Durant". The reason why I wanted to do Kevin Durant is because he's one of my favourite basketball players and I like to play basketball as well. If you don't know Kevin Durant, he is a NBA player that now plays for the Brooklyn Nets, his Career is ofcource playing Basketball and he's good at what he does. I enjoyed this activity because it was fun researching bout Kevin Durant and because I found out interesting facts about him.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Polynesian Panthers

LI: To evaluate (form an opinion) the text and respond to provocation.

A provocation is a meaningful action or speech that strikes strong feelings about lawful and political topics. A provocation is something used with the purpose to make someone feel angry or upset but that is not the purpose of our DLO. Were  the Polynesian Panthers right to Protest against the actions of the Government? 

Polynesian Panthers was a group formed in 1971 by a group of university students and former gang members protesting for the Dawn Raids and Blitzes that had affected many of the Polynesian Community. Dawn Raids are raids that happened at dawn where police officers, government officials, and dog squads would raid the homes of Polynesian families and shine torches in the faces of many people no matter if they were elderly or little children police officers would ask for passports and ID if they were not shown then families who had all right to stay in New Zealand would be deported to there place of birth, this has caused trauma for many Polynesian people due to the traumatizing events that has taken place within there homes. Police officers would also go up to people who looked Pacific Islander and  would ask for passports and identifecations these racial acts were kown as “Blitzes”.We think that the Polynesian Panthers had all right to protest against the wrongful actions of the Government because families were being teared apart and deported and also being traumatized due to the Dawn Raids.  

Thursday, May 20, 2021

2021 PBS Soccer Game/ Attitude CARE Award | Activity 1

 L.I: To write about my soccer game on wednesday/ Represent the school at an inter-school competition.

On Wednesday, the year 7,8,5,6 & 4 students went to Madvils Farm to play Football against different schools. The girls team ( The team I was playing in ) was a 5 a side team, we first played against Stone Fields and won by 1-0, we then played against Ruapotoka school and the score was 0-0, we had another  game against Stone fields and we won by 3-0 then our last game was against Glenbre and the score was 0 - 0. We had a lot of fun working as a team , kicking the ball , showing sportsmanship and leadership in sports.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

ASB Getwise

L.I: To be wise with your money.

Today LS2 went to Getwise. Getwise is a fun lesson where you learn how to be wise and smart with your money. We were lucky to get Marlon from the ASB bank to come to PBS and teach us about saving and spending. We played a holiday game where each group had $1,800 and we had to spend it wisley as we imagined we were going on a trip to Fiji. Something I learnt from the ASB Getwise is to spend money you'l need to make sure you spend it wisley and for something that is usefull in life. I enjoed the ASB Getwise because it was interesting to learn the different ways to save my money.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

My Dream Is...

 L.I: To write down what my dream is in the future.

In this DLO it tells you what I want to do or acheive in the future. My biggest dream is to make sure that my parents live happily and to make sure that my siblings do as well but the thing I would like to do is play rugby as I grow older and older. For this acitivty I wrote what my dream is, How i'm going to achieve it, Why i'm inspired to do it and Why it's my dream. I enjoyed this acitivty because I got to say what I wanna say and because I would want my parents to read my opinion on what my dream is for the future.

Isaac Newton

 L.I: To learn about Isaac Newton.

This week in Reading, LS2 has been working towards Simple Machines. Apart of this, we were required to learn about Isaac Newton. Isaac Newton is a physicist, mathematician, theologian and a Astronomer. We were also required to create a DLO with the following questions: Why is his work important? What did he find out? How does his work connect to simple machines? I found this interesting because I learnt different science things about Isaac Newton and how he found gravity.

A Moment In Time Poem

 LI: To use the language features and structure of published poem to help use write our own poem.

We looked at the language features and structure of a poem called ‘A Moment in Time’ and used our experiences from camp to follow the structure and collaboratively create our own moment in time poem. To describe what we heard, what we saw, how we felt and what we wondered we used our senses, adjectives and adverbs. Ajectives are words like discribing something. Adverbs are like discribing someones actions. I found this interesting because we used different words that were more powerful than some normal words.


LI: To use powerful words to describe a setting so that it paints a clear picture in the mind of the reader.

  10 Word Challenge

You have 5 minutes to think of 10 words to describe this picture. I am only looking for words not phrases or sentences. You may NOT use the words purple, indigo, mauve, lilac or any other word that describes the colour

List your words here:

  • Undisturbed

  • Free

  • Peaceful

  • Landscape

  • Gentel

  • Silent

  • Calm

  • Magentic

  • Abstract 

  • View

  • Sight

  • Low Tide

  • River

A Divine landscape. As I look upon the view I can hear nothing but peacefulness. The river strives down as fast as a person jogging. The tide was getting lower and lower as if the water was gonna go away forever. Branches and leaves swaying in the air as if they had arms.


A setting is the place, time and environment of a story to help a reader make a connection to your narrative you need to use your words in away that helps them form a picture of what you are describing in their mind. To do this we looked at an image and thought of 10 words that described and showed what we could see. Once we had thought of the adjectives or adverbs we used our smart searching skills to help us find synoymns that made our descriptions clearer. I found this interesting because I got to be creative and I liked using Word hippo to find different words.


 LI: To use our smart searching skills to find out about pulleys.

We have been learning about simple machines. There are 6 different types of simple machines. This week we learnt about pulleys. Our DLO shows our labelled diagrams of a pulley system. A labelled diagram is an information picture. Pulleys are… (add your 25 word summary here). Did you know that a Pulley is like an elevator except not for people but for heavy objects and many more other things.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Te reo maori

L.I: To identify the different countries of South America and Britan.

Today LS2 had Te reo maori and we were tryna figure out where the different parts of cities go in the countries. Peretania is Britan in maori and South Amerika is South America in maori aswell. The words that are highlighted in yellow are the places we had to try put on the map to see where its located. I enjoyed this task because I learnt new words in maori and I got to learn how to pronounce some of the maori words too.

Confidence CARE Awards | Activity 5

 L.I: To interview someone that has a Career.

For my last activty for the Confidence CARE Award I chose to do an 'Interview on Someone that Has a Career'. In this DLO it tells you about the person that I decided to interview. I wanted to interview Portia Woodman. She is the best Female rugby player in New Zealand and she plays for the Black Ferns Sevens. She had her first game in 2013 and she played netball for the Northen Mystics before switching to rugby union in 2012. I really enjoyed this activity because I was inspired by Portia Woodman and her cool skills in rugby.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Cybersmart (Smart Learners Reflection)

 L.I: To be cybersmart.

Today I completed this DLO with my partner Farzana.We needed to label the work we have completed as "completed". Being cybersmart means to be knowledgeable with devices. If you are cybersmart you can keep safe while on the web. This activity was based on being a smart learner. What i've learnt so far from doing these cybersmart tasks is that to be cybersmart you have to know how to be smart with your chrome book by taking care of it and knowing how to use it.

Confidence CARE Award | Activty 4

 L.I: Make a DLO that tells you how to Stand Up to Bullies.

Hosea , Aisea  and I have completed an activity for the confidence badge i'm working towards. The activity we chose was based off how we should stand up to bullies. Many people bully for attention and a sense of superioty towards others. In class we are told to use our W I T S whenever someone's bullying me or others. One of our examples to learn how to stand up to bullies is walk away or tell the teacher. This task was fun because it give people younger and older ideas for what to do when they are being bullied.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Isaac Newton | Reading/Science

LI: To learn about Isaac Newton

This week in Reading, LS2 has been working towards Simple Machines. Apart of this, we were required to learn about Isaac Newton. Isaac Newton is a physicist, mathematician, theologian and a Astronomer. We were also required to create a DLO with the following questions: Why is his work important? What did he find out? How does his work connect to simple machines? I really enjoyed this task because it was fun to learn about someone I've never learned about before.