Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Why is it important to make wise choices?

 L.I: To structure and write an explanation.

Why is it important to make wise choices?

When it comes to bad decisions what do you do? Making wrong choices can make you face consequences. The consequences that you may face can be bad for example drinking alcohol under age, this can cause consequences such as getting a fine or going to jail. The bad choices that you might make can affect your body and mind set however, it is important to stay focused and positive therefore when it comes to bad choices.

Maybe everyone makes wise choices but does it always happen? Making wise choices play a big part of our actions. Making wise choices influences you to think positively however thinking positively can certainly affect the people around you in a good way. Many people have made wise choices but it is important that you make wise choices anywhere and everywhere.

In LS2 we were writing an explanation of why it is important to make wise choices. In my explanation writing for my first paragraph I wrote about what to do when it comes to bad decisions and in my second paragraph I wrote why it is important to make wise choices and what the consequences are if you don't make a wise choice. While doing explanation writing I learnt that the consequences are really bad if you break the law and if you don't follow the law in some other countries you can get death sentenced.

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