Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Learning and understanding fractions

 L.I: To learn how to group and split in fractions.

This week is our last session with Mr Fisi’iahi for this term as it was last week. For this week my group and I worked on fractions and played a game called Play tower of hanoi. We also used Multi Link cubes to help us understand fractions and to help us solve the questions. I really enjoyed playing with my partner solving fraction questions. We also played a game called Dicy numbers which got us into parnters. This game was really fun and competitive as we had to see who was the first one to win.  Understanding fractions helps us understand the groups,twice and the double. Double means twice as example 6+6=2 or 6 x 2=12. 

Why is it important to make wise choices?

 L.I: To structure and write an explanation.

Why is it important to make wise choices?

When it comes to bad decisions what do you do? Making wrong choices can make you face consequences. The consequences that you may face can be bad for example drinking alcohol under age, this can cause consequences such as getting a fine or going to jail. The bad choices that you might make can affect your body and mind set however, it is important to stay focused and positive therefore when it comes to bad choices.

Maybe everyone makes wise choices but does it always happen? Making wise choices play a big part of our actions. Making wise choices influences you to think positively however thinking positively can certainly affect the people around you in a good way. Many people have made wise choices but it is important that you make wise choices anywhere and everywhere.

In LS2 we were writing an explanation of why it is important to make wise choices. In my explanation writing for my first paragraph I wrote about what to do when it comes to bad decisions and in my second paragraph I wrote why it is important to make wise choices and what the consequences are if you don't make a wise choice. While doing explanation writing I learnt that the consequences are really bad if you break the law and if you don't follow the law in some other countries you can get death sentenced.

Who will get my vote

 L.I: To decide which political party will get your vote by making an informed choice.

In LS2 we made an election DLO. We were learning about the different parties which are National, Labour, Green and the NZ Maori. Our DLO is about who we vote for and if I was 18 I would vote for the green party because they have many reasons to help New Zealand and they also want to help families that struggle with money therefore if the Green party wins Marama Davidson should become prime minster. Something I learnt while doing this election DLO is that the government sets different age groups for different things do such as driving.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

DARE to make a choice

L.I To create a DLO answering 4 questions.

Today LS2 was doing the DARE challenge. We were learning what kind of drugs there are and what it can do or how it can affect our body. The DARE challenge teaches you about whats good and whats bad also it tells you to make a wise choices. I worked with Fau and we both helped each other to create this DLO. As I was doing the DARE challenge I learnt that drugs can make you get addicted and I learnt to make wise choices when it come to bad situations.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Science & Technology

 LI:To identify the different types and uses of plastic.

This week for tech the year 7's at Panmure Bridge School  learned about the different types of plastics. We also learned about Plastic, material, wood, paper and metal which helps us understand more about  plastics. We also played an activity that will give us more information on plastic. The activity we played was about looking around the class and trying to look for the different materials that we could see. The most interesting fact that I learnt was that every year 17 billion rubbish gets thrown away in the ocean.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Statistics with Mr Fisi'ahi

 LI: Identify patterns and relationships between data.


Today for maths we did statistics with Mr Fisi’ahi.

We created a DLO for our bar graph that we made to count how many people on our data cards.

We used the data cards to count how many pre-teens and teens watch T.V and the most was the pre-teens.

While I was doing maths I learnt that when you're thirteen you're a teenager and when you turn twenty you

are an adult.

Another thing I learnt is that 0.5 is bigger than 0.25. I worked with my buddy Afa and we both completed

this DLO.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


 L.I to work out the elapsed time.

Today for maths our group used the maths clocks to help us work out the answer to the elapsed time questions. Elapsed means the time has gone by. I worked with my buddy Afa and we got most of our work done. The thing I learnt about today as I was doing maths is that you can read it in different types of ways.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Foot Prints

 LI: To look for evidence in the data/an image and infer what might be happening.

This DLO is about Observation and Science.  I worked with Juel, Sulia and Fau. My group and I worked together to get this task completed. We looked for Images that we could use to help the readers understand our DLO. Me and my group completed this DLO by sharing our ideas ,Helping each other and Looking for images. The most important thing I learned was that Science is empirical which means it is based on observation.

Family Tree

L.I: To create a Family Tree about your family.

This week for our Te Reo Challenge, I created a DLO that talks about my family tree and it has all my family members names in it. I used Maori words that could help us understand  more about my  family tree. The family tree includes our siblings, parents, grandparents and great grandparents and it also has designs I traced and created. 

It's cool to be me

L.I: To complete this task that will help you understand things about me.

This DLO is about me, This DLO can help you understand some things you may know or may not know about me. The  Dare program helps us and inform us with things  that can kill us and helps us make wise choices.  What I really enjoyed was writing down My goals for this year. One of my goals is To become a famous WNBA player. For example I want to be like Elena Delle Donne when I grow up and another goal I set is to get abs.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Sunflower painting

 L.I: To paint a still life of sunflowers in the style of Vincent Van Gogh


In LS2 I painted some sunflowers drawn by Vincent van Gogh. Advice that I learnt about drawing is "Draw what you See". As I was painting I had to use up all the available space on the paper. The painting colours we used were yellow, copper, mustard and black. I didn't just have to paint it all on but I did have to blend and mix them together so that we can have different shades of colours. An important thing I learnt about painting is to not overload your brush with paint and you have to paint on the edges to make it sharp enough to see. I enjoyed painting the sunflowers because I got to draw, paint and learn about different things.

Algebra with Mr Fisi'ahi

 L.I: To solve and create Algebraic equations. 

Today my group and I  learnt Algebra with Mr Fisi’iahi. We started off by finding out the values of the animals. The animals we did were Piwaiwaka,Gecko,Kiwi,Tuatara and Pukeko. We summed up an answer then we  simplified the answers to make it easier to understand and explain what's happening. We created a DLO with our algebraic equations but we had to make the question unbalanced so that Mr Fisiah could make it balanced, we had to create for Mr Fisiah . I really enjoyed working with my partner and my group to answer the questions we’re trying to solve.These tasks and questions help us understand and explain what Algebra is.  We also learned how to balance the animals on a log or plan to make it equal and even.  I really enjoyed learning how to simplify the answers to make it easier to understand. 

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Tech Reflection

L.I: To identify what we know about "Science".

Today the year 7's from LS2 went to Tamaki college for Science technology. Our science teacher taught us about different equipment and how use them in science. The science equipment that I learnt about were the Testing Tubes, Bunsen Burner, Clamp stand, Tongs and Petri. The Testing tubes are for testing experiments, the Bunsen burner is for collecting gas and then you burn it so that you could hold the testing tube on top of it so that you burn the experiment you are doing. A clamp stand is to hold the testing tubes but only if it is hot and the tongs and perti are also like the clamp stand but you hold it like scissors. I was told to ask a question that includes science and my question was "What started the corona virus or who started it?".

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Duffy books in school

Today LS2 received 2 new books from Duffy books in school. I'd like to say thank Duffy for giving us incredible books for our school to learn and read from. We are inspired by all the books you encourage us to read. I am really looking forwards to read my books because the books I chose inspire me from the way it looks and because it's looking pretty interesting. Once again thank you for the books Duffy.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Vincent van Gogh TimeLine

L.I: To create a Timeline to show the life of Vincent van Gogh.

To create this DLO I collaborated with Fau, Juel and Sulia. We made a timeline about Vincent van Gogh showing what he went through in life. Vincent van Gogh is a "Post-impressionist painter. While Vincent Van Gogh was alive he did 900 paintings and 1,100 drawings and Sketchers. Vincent van Gogh also cut the bottom of his ear so that he could give it to his girlfriend as a gift of love.