Wednesday, September 8, 2021

List Poem

 LI: To write a list poem that describes a topic by painting a picture with your words.

Today we wrote list poems about an anime character. Our challenge was to use descriptive language features to paint a clear picture with our words. I enjoyed this task because I like writing List Poems and because it describes who my character is and what her personality is.

Own Design Character Profile

LI: To create a character profile.

Our challenge was to design our own anime/manga character. Our next challenge was to draw the character on our chromebooks or on paper. I chose to draw my character on paper because it would be more challenging for me. Our final challenge was to write a paragraph that describes our character. I enjoyed this activity because I got to show you what my anime character is and does in life.


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Cinquain Poem

 LI: To write a cinquain poem to describe an anime character.

This week we have been exploring the world of anime and manga. Our challenge today was to write a cinquain poem to help us strengthen our connections to description that describes our favourite anime/manga character. A cinquain poem has 5 lines. Each line has a different purpose. Line 1 is a noun which is a name. Line 2 has 2 adjectives taht describe the noun. Line 3 has 3 verbs that end in ‘ing’ and describe the actions. Line 4 is a noun phrase which is a group of words (not a sentence) that go together to describe the noun. Line 5 is a synonym which is a word with a similar meaning to the noun. I chose Franklin Clinton from GTA because one of my favourtie things about Franklin is that he does bad things like stealing but finds a way to not leave evidence.

Anime/Manga Character Profile

 LI: To create a character profile.

Our challenge was to choose our favourite anime/manga character. Our next challenge was to draw the character on our chromebooks or on paper. I chose to draw my character on my chrome book because it was easier for me and because people can see my drawing properly. Our final challenge was to write a paragraph that describes our character and explains why this character is your favourite. I enjoyed this activity because I got to show you what my Manga/Anime Character is all about.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Manga Artist

 LI: To read for meaning and understanding.

Our challenge today was to use our smart searching skills to create a DLO in our own words that tells us about the life of our favourite manga artist or a well known manga artist. The Manga artist I chose to write about was 'Akira Toriyama'. He is the creator of 'Dragon Ball'. A fact I found interesting is that Akira Toriyama is a shy person who doesn't like interviews, that is why he doesn't like getting involved with the media and going out in public.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

The History of Manga

 LI: To read for meaning and understanding.

Our reading comprehension focus today was to complete a  about the history of Manga to show that we are reading for meaning and understanding. Our final challenge in this activity was to create a DLO to share the information we found out. Manga is a originated japanese collection and series of comic books/graphic novels. Manga was first founded from scrolls back in the 12th - 13th centuries. The word Manga was first bring to light when Hokusai Katsushika used it to describe his ukiyo-e sketches. In 1853+ Manga was than starting to take hold of western influence. Between the years of 1945 - 1980, Manga started to make an appearance as “modern manga”. Osamu Tezuka a Japanese manga artist, created a new and frsh part to the history of manga. 

I found it interesting that the oldest Manga is from the 12th and 13th century.

Katsudo Shashin Animation

 LI: To create an animation.

One of the oldest surviving pieces of Japanese animation may be a nameless, dateless, approximately 3-second film known as “Katsudo Shashin“ (literally “Action Photo“). It simply features a boy writing the words 活動写真 katsudo shashin and then doffing his cap. Our challenge today was to use our animation skills to create our own 3 second ‘action photo’ using our own manga character. I enjoyed this because I got to be creative and try something new by making my own animation.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

My Costumized Shoes

 L.I: To show how I would customize my shoes.

For this challenge, I customized my own pair of sneakers. The theme I chose was basketball. As you can see I designed the two numbers which is Kobe Bryant and Stephen Curry's basketball number. On my customized sneaker I chose to design the Cleveland Cavaliers logo, a firey Nike tick, on the bottom I switched 'AIR' to 'NBA' and I made the BOSTON CELTICS logo. Lastly, right infront on the tip of my shoe it say's 'SHINOBI PANDAS' with the number 29 next to it. The SHINOBI PANDAS is the basketball team I play for. On the courts I represent the number 29 which is my brothers birthday number. This challenge was really fun because I got to show and explain why I designed my sneakers like this way.