Thursday, February 25, 2021

T.E.E.L Paragraph

L.I: To understand how TEEL paragraphs can help us structure our information and ideas in a paragraph.

We use paragraphs in our writing to expand on an idea. In LS2 we use the TEEL acronym (title, elaborate, evidence and link) to help us structure our thinking. The example on my DLO shows what Topic Sentence means , Elaborate,Evidence and Linking how and why I found this task really fun and enjoying to do as I learned new things and understood what to do.  I also wrote in my DLO what TEEL means and what it does to help us understand writing paragraphs. 

Tech Reflection

L.I: To reflect on what I did at Wood Tech.

We had our first tech session with Mr Grundy. When we were in Mr Grundy's Wood class there were a lot of amazing designs like cars, planes, dispensers and many more cool designs that were only made of wood. We thought about eight designs we wanted to create, Mr Grundy also gave us some ideas of what to create and some of the designs looked detailed. One thing I found interesting was that most of the designs started off as a wood joint which is basically the beginning of what’s created.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Cybersmart Challenge

 L.I: Be cybersmart and use our devices to learn, create and share.

For this cybersmart challenge I had to fill in links that are apart of my learning and I just put in all the links like my Blog link, Class website link, Class blog link, my school website link and the PBS website link. The last slide I had to fill in was about my class call in lock down and I wrote down all the things you might have to or not do as your in a call with LS2. This might help if its your first time in a lock down class call.

Cybersmart Challenge

L.I: Be cybersmart and use our devices to learn, create and share.

For this cybersmart challenge I did a fill in the blanks task to see how well I know how to take care of my chrome book with the Kawa of Care. This challenge was to see how well I know my chrome book like the shortcuts to it and what I have to do to make sure it is safe. Chrome book 1 and Chrome book 2 were the fill in the blanks tasks and the one with the image of me in the middle was a responsibility use agreement to agree that I would take care of my chrome book. Something I found interesting was that there are lots of shortcuts to do on your chrome book to make you get onto something quickly.

Why it is important to be hydrated?

LI: To understand why staying hydrated is important for our health and learning.

After defining hydration and dehydration we worked collaboratively to use our smart searching skills to help us find facts that would teach others why it is important for our health and learning. One fact I learnt about staying hydrated and dehydrated is that when your dehydrated your lungs get dried up but when you drink water it makes your lungs go back to normal and that means your hydrated. Something I found interesting is that when your urine is dark that means you haven't drank enough water but when its light it means you've drank loads of water which is good.

The qualities of a good leader

 L.I: To unpack what leadership looks like

Today me and my group explained what leadership is. We had 4 words to break down and explain, the words were Role Model, Leadership, Team and Responsibility. To be a leader you must have a group. A group is a team that works together. Role model is when you show that you have good behaviour towards others. Team is when you work collaboratively with others in a positive way. Responsibility is when you take control of someone. Something that we found interesting was that you don’t have to be a leader to lead a group.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Pie Chart

 L.I: To plan and carry out a statistical investigation.

Today me and Afa made a pie chart. Me and Afa made a chart of LS2's favourite colours. The colours that were chosen were Red, Blue, Black, Purple, Bby-blue, Green, Pink and Peach but Blue and Black had the most votes. As me and Afa were going around we both predicted Blue because we were one of the people that chose that colour as well. Me and Afa really enjoyed making this pie chart because we learnt a lot about what LS2's favourite colours are.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Summary of Te Tiriti o Waitangi

 L.I To explain in fewer words what the text is about.

Today for reading my group and I were reading about the treaty of Waitangi and we used a dice to help us create questions about the Treaty of Waitangi after that we made a summary about the treaty of waitangi. The treaty of Waitangi is a day of celebration to remember a historical day of peace; where the treaty was signed by many chiefs. Today we worked collaboratively in our groups, to summarise and learn about the history of the Treaty of Waitangi. In this activity we got to learn more about the Treaty of Waitangi and about why it was signed by many chiefs so New Zealand could be a part of the British Empire. One fact that I found interesting was how the treaty was split into 3 parts This was a fun activity because I enjoyed working collaboratively with my friends.